"Maligning" is a word in ENGLISH

maligning ENGLISH

of Malign

Few words of positivity

If you're looking for an enemy, stop imagining it's one group or another. All mankind is your enemy, including yourself.

T.J. Kirk

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the goal post get angry ?Because the bar was rattled !

angina ENGLISH

Any inflammatory affection of the throat or faces, as the quinsy, malignant sore throat, croup, etc., especially such as tends …

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anthrax ENGLISH

A malignant pustule.

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Poisonous; malignant; malicious.

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avernian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Avernus, a lake of Campania, in Italy, famous for its poisonous vapors, which ancient writers fancied …

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bakokáng - A kind of malignant ulcer, a carbuncle that frequently attacks the legs of children and heals but slowly.

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black-hearted ENGLISH

Having a wicked, malignant disposition; morally bad.

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búà - The soft pulp or meat of a sprouting coconut; a kind of malignant tumour; prolapsus uteri.

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cancer ENGLISH

Formerly, any malignant growth, esp. one attended with great pain and ulceration, with cachexia and progressive emaciation. It was so …

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cankered ENGLISH

Affected mentally or morally as with canker; sore, envenomed; malignant; fretful; ill-natured.

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cankery ENGLISH

Surly; sore; malignant.

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cowardly ENGLISH

Proceeding from fear of danger or other consequences; befitting a coward; dastardly; base; as, cowardly malignity.

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currish ENGLISH

Having the qualities, or exhibiting the characteristics, of a cur; snarling; quarrelsome; snappish; churlish; hence, also malicious; malignant; brutal.

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Froward; malignant; mischievous; malicious; snarling.

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curstness ENGLISH

Peevishness; malignity; frowardness; crabbedness; surliness.

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deprave ENGLISH

To speak ill of; to depreciate; to malign; to revile.

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despite ENGLISH

Malice; malignity; spite; malicious anger; contemptuous hate.

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deviltry ENGLISH

Diabolical conduct; malignant mischief; devilry.

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dislikeful ENGLISH

Full of dislike; disaffected; malign; disagreeable.

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distemper ENGLISH

To deprive of temper or moderation; to disturb; to ruffle; to make disaffected, ill-humored, or malignant.

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envious ENGLISH

Malignant; mischievous; spiteful.

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