"Malatalu" is a word in CEBUANO

malatalu CEBUANO

malatálu a bananas that are almost full-grown (but still far from ripe).
Basta tinggutum tub-un na ang ságing bísag malatálu pa kaáyu, In times of famine they cut down the bananas even before they mature.
v [B3; b6] for bananas to reach this stage.

Few words of positivity

What a wretched circle this poor way of reasoning among the Men draws them insensibly into. Why is learning useless to us? Because we have no share in public offices. And why have we no share in public offices? Because we have no learning. They are sensible of the injustice they do us, and therefore are reduced to the mean shift of cloaking it at the expence of their own reason. But let truth speak for once: Why are they so industrious to debar us that learning we have an equal right to with themselves, but for fear of our sharing with, and outshining them in, those public offices they fill so miserably? The same sordid selfishness which urged them to engross all power and dignity to themselves, prompted them to shut up from us that knowledge which wou'd have made us their competitors.

Lady Sophia Fermor, Woman Not Inferior to Man: Or, a Short and Modest Vindication of the Natural Right of the Fair-Sex to a Perfect Equality of Power, Dignity and Esteem with the Men

Laugh your heart out.

The farmer goes to town one day and happens to run into his old pal the tractor salesman."How's business?" asks the farmer. "Not very good, I haven't sold a tractor in months, How are things on the farm?" asked the salesman."Well-- The other day I went out to the barn to milk that old cow I have. I started milking and she swatted me with her tail, so I tied her tail to the ceiling. I started milking again and she kicked me with her left leg so I tied that to the left side of the stall. I started milking again and she kicked me with her right leg so I tied that one to the right side of the stall. About that time my wife walked in the barn, and if you can convince her that I was just trying to milk that damn cow,I'll buy a tractor from you!!"

ladyclock ENGLISH
bugang CEBUANO

bugang n name given to various tall tufted grasses and reeds (tangbù, taláhib, et al. ). -in- a pidgin. v …

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To draw or press milk from the breasts or udder of, by the hand or mouth; to withdraw the milk …

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English: defeated; loser Tagalog: talunan

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valhalla ENGLISH

The palace of immortality, inhabited by the souls of heroes slain in battle.

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alcoate ENGLISH

Alt. of Alcohate

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dalamugan HILIGAYNON

dalamugán - (H) Feeding-bowl, trough, swill-basin. (damóg; cf. balahogán).

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ibabaláy - To mind the house, to take care or charge of a house in the absence of its owner …

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rumantiku CEBUANO

rumantiku a {1} romantic, evoking feelings of amorousness or sentimentality. Rumantikung lugar, A romantic place. {2} ro-mantic, amorous. Rumantikung mga …

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To sell; to transfer the owner-shlp of an article to another for a price ln money. The term is not …

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caucus ENGLISH

A meeting, especially a preliminary meeting, of persons belonging to a party, to nominate candidates for public office, or to …

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bolster ENGLISH

Anything arranged to act as a support, as in various forms of mechanism, etc.

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unkent ENGLISH

Unknown; strange.

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opercula ENGLISH
police ENGLISH

The organized body of civil officers in a city, town, or district, whose particular duties are the preservation of good …

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runlet ENGLISH

A little run or stream; a streamlet; a brook.

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pteropoda ENGLISH

A class of Mollusca in which the anterior lobes of the foot are developed in the form of broad, thin, …

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kasar v [A; bc] put up money for a bet, see s. o. s bet. Mukasar kug dusintus. Mudáwat ka? …

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option ENGLISH

The power of choosing; the right of choice or election; an alternative.

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