"Malanggab" is a word in HILIGAYNON

malanggab HILIGAYNON

malánggab - Covetous, desirous of,
ambitious, wishful, avid, eager for,
avaricious, wishing or anxious for. (cf.
lánggab, maibugón).

Few words of positivity

I would be married, but I'd have no wife, I would be married to a single life.

Charles Bukowski

Laugh your heart out.

Who does a ghoul fall in love with?His ghoul friend.

yubon-yubon HILIGAYNON

yubón-yubón - Dim. of yubón. Also the soft front part of a child’s skull. (cf. yubónyubonán).

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smally ENGLISH

In a small quantity or degree; with minuteness.

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impetrate ENGLISH

To obtain by request or entreaty.

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saccharoid ENGLISH

Alt. of Saccharoidal

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nepotism ENGLISH

Undue attachment to relations; favoritism shown to members of one's family; bestowal of patronage in consideration of relationship, rather than …

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To decide includes the power and right to deliberate, to weigh the rea-sons for and against, to see which pre-ponderate. …

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prisyat CEBUANO

prisyat n {1} foul shot in basketball. {2} free shot for a photo-graph. Ang síkan prayis dúnay prisyat gíkan sa …

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branchiferous ENGLISH

Having gills; branchiate; as, branchiferous gastropods.

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karapkarap CEBUANO

karapkarap v [A13] grope blindly for s.t. to hold on to. Nagkara-pkarap ming misúbay sa pasilyu kay napáwung ang sugà, …

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wallop ENGLISH

To throw or tumble over.

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palákpak - To flap or beat the wings, to clap the hands, applaud. Dúro nga pagpalákpak—or—pagpinalákpak sang pagdiskúrso níya. There …

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n. roaring sound. v. /AG-/ to roar, growl.

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scalloper ENGLISH

One who fishes for scallops.

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futchel ENGLISH

The jaws between which the hinder end of a carriage tongue is inserted.

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basa-basa HILIGAYNON

basâ-basâ - Dim. of basâ. A little wet, etc.

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To sprout; to bud; to germinate, as barley steeped for malt.

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bayumbu CEBUANO

bayumbu n movable screen, room divider. v [A; a] put, make into a divider. Bayumbúhan kung ákung kusína, Ill make …

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