"Makuti-Kutihon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

makuti-kutihon HILIGAYNON

makutí-kutihón - See makutíkutí.

Few words of positivity

Seize the moments that are before you instead of planning for future moments that get lost in the abyss of time.

Orly Wahba, Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts

Laugh your heart out.

One day a blond went out to check her mail box. There was nothing in it. Her neighbor who was also out there gives her a weird look.An hour later she goes back out to her mailbox and goes back in cause there was nothing in it and her neighbor goes "What the hell is she doing?"An hour later she goes back out side and looks in the mailbox and there is nothing in it. Finally the neighbor gets curious enough to ask her what she is doing. The blone says, "My stupid computer keeps saying you've got mail."


kasi Definition: (conj) because

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labas1 Active Verb: lumabas Definition: (noun) outside, exterior, out-of-doors (verb1) to go out, to exit, to come out (verb2) to …

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A simple, minute organism; a primary cell, germ, or plastid.

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alterative ENGLISH

Gradually changing, or tending to change, a morbid state of the functions into one of health.

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chalazion ENGLISH

A small circumscribed tumor of the eyelid caused by retention of secretion, and by inflammation of the Melbomian glands.

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downstroke ENGLISH

A stroke made with a downward motion of the pen or pencil.

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hangó - To smell, sniff, scent, nose a smell or odour. Maghangó ka sang kahamút siníng búlak. Smell the fragrance …

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gallivat ENGLISH

A small armed vessel, with sails and oars, -- used on the Malabar coast.

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silence ENGLISH

The cessation of rage, agitation, or tumilt; calmness; quiest; as, the elements were reduced to silence.

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To tell, declare, explain, or interpret; to divine; to guess; as, to aread a riddle or a dream.

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premature ENGLISH

Happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper or usual time; adopted too soon; too early; untimely; as, a premature …

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saloon ENGLISH

A spacious and elegant apartment for the reception of company or for works of art; a hall of reception, esp. …

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orache ENGLISH

A genus (Atriplex) of herbs or low shrubs of the Goosefoot family, most of them with a mealy surface.

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method ENGLISH

Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification; clear and lucid exhibition; systematic arrangement peculiar to an individual.

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Recognized condition; rank; footing; -- used only in the singular.

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In old records. A jury of twelve men. Cowell

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flabbily ENGLISH

In a flabby manner.

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máma - Wet nurse. See mamá.

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paynar CEBUANO

paynar v [A; a2] dress the hair. paynadúra n hairdresser, one who arranges a womans hair. v [B156; a2] be, …

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