"Mainumpiton" is a word in HILIGAYNON

mainumpiton HILIGAYNON

mainumpíton - Scoffing, mocking,
insulting. (cf. úmpit, mainuligáon).

Few words of positivity

It couldn't have been gonorrhea, which never stops eating you up of its own accord. Why should it ever stop of its own accord? It's having such a nice time. Why call off the party? Look how healthy and happy the kids are.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Hocus Pocus

Laugh your heart out.

Diner: Could I have a glass of water?Waiter: To drink?Diner: No, I want to rinse out a few things.


gádyà - Elephant; monster, huge beast (in general).

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manlalaton HILIGAYNON

manlaláton - Spreading, catching, taking, infectious, contagious, epidemic, epidemical. (cf. latón, malaláton).

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nematognathi ENGLISH

An order of fishes having barbels on the jaws. It includes the catfishes, or siluroids. See Siluroid.

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amitaw ILOKANO

n. an animal with only one testis in the scrotal sac.

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injudicious ENGLISH

Not judicious; wanting in sound judgment; undiscerning; indiscreet; unwise; as, an injudicious adviser.

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See Cotton flannel.

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overplus ENGLISH

That which remains after a supply, or beyond a quantity proposed; surplus.

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hueless ENGLISH

Destitute of color.

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success story GAY LINGO

a poor-looking man or woman who has married a wealthy expat. Babae/lalaki na mukhang katulong na may lover na foreigner …

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loculus ENGLISH

One of the compartments of a several-celled ovary; loculament.

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traduction ENGLISH

The act of transferring; conveyance; transportation.

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orderly ENGLISH

A noncommissioned officer or soldier who attends a superior officer to carry his orders, or to render other service.

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An order of cryptogamous plants, the Filices, which have their fructification on the back of the fronds or leaves. They …

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halanggup CEBUANO

halanggup thin gruel cooked from grains of rice or ground corn. v {1} [A; a] make thin gruel. Hanggúpi ang …

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meated ENGLISH

Having (such) meat; -- used chiefly in composition; as, thick-meated.

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One of the thirty parts into which the Roman people were divided by Romulus.

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garrulity ENGLISH

Talkativeness; loquacity.

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litigious ENGLISH

Inclined to judicial contest; given to the practice of contending in law; guarrelsome; contentious; fond of litigation.

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