"Mainprise" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


SE. The dellvery of a person into tbe custody of mainpernors, (q. «.) Also the name of a writ (now obsolete) command-ing the sheriff to take the security of main-pernors and set the party at liberty

mainprise ENGLISH

To suffer to go at large, on his finding sureties, or
mainpernors, for his appearance at a day; -- said of a prisoner.

mainprise ENGLISH

Deliverance of a prisoner on security for his appearance
at a day.

mainprise ENGLISH

A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take
sureties, called mainpernors, for the prisoner's appearance, and to let
him go at large. This writ is now obsolete.

Few words of positivity

The greater a child’s terror, and the earlier it is experienced, the harder it becomes to develop a strong and healthy sense of self.

Nathaniel Branden, Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

Laugh your heart out.

Who drives away all his customers ?A taxi driver.

De Manucaptione LAW AND LEGAL

writ of man-ucaption, or mainprise. A writ which lay for one who, being taken and Imprisoned on a charge of …

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mainpernor ENGLISH

A surety, under the old writ of mainprise, for a prisoner's appearance in court at a day.

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Writ Of Mainprize LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A writ dlrected to the sherlff, (either generally, wben any man ls Imprisoned for a bailable offense …

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