"Mahiugyonon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

mahiugyonon HILIGAYNON

mahiugyónon - Helping, helpful,
cooperating, assisting one another, in
agreement, harmonious, united, working in

unison for the common good. (cf. hiúgyon,
mabinulígon, matinatabángon).

Few words of positivity

There is nothing you can do about it. Self-education is the most important thing that can happen to you.

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear someone has invented a coffin that just covers the head?It's for people like you who're dead from the neck up!

matinatabangon HILIGAYNON

matinatabángon - Helpful, ready to help or assist. See mabinulígon. (cf. tábang, mahiugyónon).

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