"Mahinalakhakon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

mahinalakhakon HILIGAYNON

mahinalakhákon - Very funny,
ridiculous, exciting laughter or merriment.
(cf. halákhak).

Few words of positivity

Why crawl like a caterpillar when you have the wings to be a butterfly?

Faraaz Kazi, More Than Just Friends

Laugh your heart out.

As the bus came to the stop, the man at the front of the queue took out his eye, threw it up in the air and caught it before getting on the bus. An amazed conductor said, 'What on earth did you do that for?' 'I wanted to know if there was room on top,' replied the man.

thurification ENGLISH

The act of fuming with incense, or the act of burning incense.

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To cry loudly, as in pain, distress, or anger.

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maktang ILOKANO
sappodilla ENGLISH
grossular ENGLISH

Pertaining too, or resembling, a gooseberry; as, grossular garnet.

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omphalode ENGLISH

The central part of the hilum of a seed, through which the nutrient vessels pass into the rhaphe or the …

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moderatress ENGLISH

A female moderator.

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specificate ENGLISH

To show, mark, or designate the species, or the distinguishing particulars of; to specify.

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yoncopin ENGLISH

A local name in parts of the Mississippi Valley for the American lotus (Nelumbo lutea).

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tábnul - Thickness, stoutness, heaviness; fleshiness; to be or become thick, stout, heavy, fleshy, said of the calves, arms, etc. …

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arraign ENGLISH

To call or set as a prisoner at the bar of a court to answer to the matter charged in …

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aggravating ENGLISH

Making worse or more heinous; as, aggravating circumstances.

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impairer ENGLISH

One who, or that which, impairs.

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self-accused ENGLISH

Accused by one's self or by one's conscience.

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kahangúl - Closefistedness, stinginess, niggardliness, sordidness, selfishness, meanness, greed. (hangúl). (cf. kahákug, kaísip, kaabáng, kakágud, kaímot).

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English: move, transfer Tagalog: lipat

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blunderbuss ENGLISH

A short gun or firearm, with a large bore, capable of holding a number of balls, and intended to do …

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inequality ENGLISH

An expression consisting of two unequal quantities, with the sign of inequality (< or >) between them; as, the inequality …

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Lat. He detains. In old English law. A species of action of debt, which lay for the specific recovery of …

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conversion ENGLISH

A change of character or use, as of smoothbore guns into rifles.

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