"Mahimulusulon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

mahimulusulon HILIGAYNON

mahimulusulón - See mahimulúslon id.

Few words of positivity

Slavery all day,and then, suddenly, by nightfall- freedom!

Margarita Engle, The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba's Struggle for Freedom

Laugh your heart out.

Why do blondes wash their hair in the sink? That's where you wash all your vegetables!


balaisán - Controversy, difference; something that is to be debated or discussed; debatable, disputable, open to question, subject to contention …

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agúnto - See agúnta id.

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ineligibility ENGLISH

The state or quality of being ineligible.

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makinista CEBUANO

makinista n engine man, machine operator. v [B16; a2] become an engine man. makiníta n {1} process of embroidery done …

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tributary ENGLISH

A ruler or state that pays tribute, or a stated sum, to a conquering power, for the purpose of securing …

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pulang CEBUANO

púlang v [A] for a baby to learn to jump, bounce up and down when held. Mupúlang na ang bátà, …

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heliotrope ENGLISH

See Bloodstone (a).

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converse ENGLISH

To have knowledge of, from long intercourse or study; -- said of things.

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epipteric ENGLISH

Pertaining to a small Wormian bone sometimes present in the human skull between the parietal and the great wing of …

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mare's-tail ENGLISH

A long streaky cloud, spreading out like a horse's tail, and believed to indicate rain; a cirrus cloud. See Cloud.

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pulún-on - What is to—, should—, can—, be filled; vacant, empty. (cf. punô).

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anti-gallican ENGLISH

Opposed to what is Gallic or French.

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vacuous ENGLISH

Empty; unfilled; void; vacant.

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canaille ENGLISH

Shorts or inferior flour.

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pansi n costume jewelry.

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malvaceous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Malvaceae), of which the mallow is the type. The cotton plant, …

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A vessel of clay or stone.

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