"Mahatal" is a word in HILIGAYNON


mahátal - Talkative, communicative,
chatter-box, chatty, gossip, garrulous,
loquacious. (cf. hátal, buraán, wakalán).

Few words of positivity

It feels like home, far from home, yet homely. I have always been a fan of Delhi's practical life not that i have lived in an aspiration or yearning to make a living here, but delhi has always been on my soapbox.

Parul Wadhwa, The Masquerade

Laugh your heart out.

Two Irishmen were walking down the street with two salmon each under their arms. Two other Irishmen walking in the opposite direction see the two lucky fishermen and ask " how did you catch those ?" Well its like this! Michael here holds my legs over the bridge, and I grab the salmon as they swim up the river. We got four salmon A great days fishing! So the fishless pair look at each other and agree to give it a try. They get to the bridge and Sean calls to his friend "hold my legs now Paddy". Well he is hanging there upside down for thirty minutes when he suddenly cries.. "pull me up, pull me up!!" Paddy asks " do you have a fish Sean?"............ No replies Sean, "there's a bloody train coming!!!!!!!!"

cavernous ENGLISH

Having a sound caused by a cavity.

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tarámhak - Negligent, careless, lighthearted, thougthless; to speak or act carelessly, etc. (cf. patarásak, pasapayán, taláktalák).

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scaling ENGLISH

Adapted for removing scales, as from a fish; as, a scaling knife; adapted for removing scale, as from the interior …

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watches ENGLISH

The leaves of Saracenia flava. See Trumpets.

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Same as Leptocardia.

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tingalaw CEBUANO

tingalaw (not without l) v [A; b6] prepare food for people who are working on the farm. Nagtingalaw kus nagdáru, …

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bílas - (Sp. vela) Candle, taper, dip. Isá ka bílas. One candle. N.B. Compare: Isá ka métros—one metre; isá ka …

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inyo Definition: (pron) you, yours (plural)

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peristeria ENGLISH

A genus of orchidaceous plants. See Dove plant.

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pangláyì - Adultery; to commit adultery. (cf. láyì, pangawátan).

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unhive ENGLISH

To drive or remove from a hive.

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wiris v [A; c] hit the volleyball with a spin. Walúpa ang búla, ayawg iwiris, Hit the ball squarely. Dont …

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Additional signification.

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shading ENGLISH

Act or process of making a shade.

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postentry ENGLISH

A second or subsequent, at the customhouse, of goods which had been omitted by mistake.

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túgkay - To stick the handle of a ladle, fork or spoon, a piece of bamboo, or the like, into …

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kilikili ILOKANO

n. armpit, axilla. v. /AG-/ to tickle or titillate someone. /MANG-:-EN/ to tickle, titillate.

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