"Magnetomotor" is a word in ENGLISH

magnetomotor ENGLISH

A voltaic series of two or more large plates,
producing a great quantity of electricity of low tension, and hence
adapted to the exhibition of electro-magnetic phenomena.

Few words of positivity

Yesterday I smiled, tomorrow never came and today is what I'm living.

Jill Telford

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the Oregon State psychology major climb up the chain link fence? To see what was on the other side.

acierage ENGLISH

The process of coating the surface of a metal plate (as a stereotype plate) with steellike iron by means of …

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anelectrode ENGLISH

The positive pole of a voltaic battery.

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battery ENGLISH

An apparatus for generating voltaic electricity.

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calorimotor ENGLISH

A voltaic battery, having a large surface of plate, and producing powerful heating effects.

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catelectrode ENGLISH

The negative electrode or pole of a voltaic battery.

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cathode ENGLISH

The part of a voltaic battery by which the electric current leaves substances through which it passes, or the surface …

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chemiglyphic ENGLISH

Engraved by a voltaic battery.

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couple ENGLISH

One of the pairs of plates of two metals which compose a voltaic battery; -- called a voltaic couple or …

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deflagrator ENGLISH

A form of the voltaic battery having large plates, used for producing rapid and powerful combustion.

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depolarize ENGLISH

To free from polarization, as the negative plate of the voltaic battery.

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depolarizer ENGLISH

A substance used to prevent polarization, as upon the negative plate of a voltaic battery.

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The art or process of gilding copper, iron, etc., by means of voltaic electricity.

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electro-gilt ENGLISH

Gilded by means of voltaic electricity.

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The magnetism developed by a current of electricity; the science which treats of the development of magnetism by means of …

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The motion of electricity or its passage from one metal to another in a voltaic circuit; mechanical action produced by …

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Of such a nature relatively to some other associated body or bodies, as to tend to the negative pole of …

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electro-tint ENGLISH

A style of engraving in relief by means of voltaic electricity. A picture is drawn on a metallic plate with …

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glyphography ENGLISH

A process similar to etching, in which, by means of voltaic electricity, a raised copy of a drawing is made, …

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negative ENGLISH

The negative plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell.

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A vertical series of alternate disks of two dissimilar metals, as copper and zinc, laid up with disks of cloth …

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