"Magneticalness" is a word in ENGLISH

magneticalness ENGLISH

Quality of being magnetic.

Few words of positivity

I lie about lying, which means I can lie


Laugh your heart out.

A guy driving a truck in the middle of nowhere picks up a hitch-hiker.It gets dark and the hitch-hiker falls asleep. Suddenly bang, and thehitch-hiker wakes up,"what the hell was that?". The truck driverreplies, "some kinda animal, go back to sleep."Further the same thing again, bang, "What the hell was that?","some kinda animal again."Further into the night, bang, bang, bang, "What the hell was that?","Some bastard!". "How terrible",says the hitch-hiker, "but there were3 bangs"The truck driver replies, "Yeah, well I had to go through two fencesto get the bastard. . ."

inherent ENGLISH

Permanently existing in something; inseparably attached or connected; naturally pertaining to; innate; inalienable; as, polarity is an inherent quality of …

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magnetism ENGLISH

The property, quality, or state, of being magnetic; the manifestation of the force in nature which is seen in a …

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polarity ENGLISH

That quality or condition of a body in virtue of which it exhibits opposite, or contrasted, properties or powers, in …

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