"Magnanimously" is a word in ENGLISH

magnanimously ENGLISH

In a magnanimous manner; with greatness of mind.

Few words of positivity

Praying paved a sacred path.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

What do you do if King Kong sits in front of you at the cinema? Miss most of the film!

chivalrous ENGLISH

Pertaining to chivalry or knight-errantry; warlike; heroic; gallant; high-spirited; high-minded; magnanimous.

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chivalrously ENGLISH

In a chivalrous manner; gallantly; magnanimously.

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franchise ENGLISH

Magnanimity; generosity; liberality; frankness; nobility.

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gallant ENGLISH

Noble in bearing or spirit; brave; high-spirited; courageous; heroic; magnanimous; as, a gallant youth; a gallant officer.

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generous ENGLISH

Exhibiting those qualities which are popularly reregarded as belonging to high birth; noble; honorable; magnanimous; spirited; courageous.

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great-hearted ENGLISH

Generous; magnanimous; noble.

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The quality of being greathearted; high-mindedness; magnanimity.

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greatly ENGLISH

Nobly; illustriously; magnanimously.

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high-minded ENGLISH

Having, or characterized by, honorable pride; of or pertaining to elevated principles and feelings; magnanimous; -- opposed to mean.

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The quality of being highminded; nobleness; magnanimity.

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ingenuous ENGLISH

Noble; generous; magnanimous; honorable; upright; high-minded; as, an ingenuous ardor or zeal.

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lion-hearted ENGLISH

Very brave; brave and magnanimous.

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magnanimity ENGLISH

The quality of being magnanimous; greatness of mind; elevation or dignity of soul; that quality or combination of qualities, in …

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magnanimous ENGLISH

Dictated by or exhibiting nobleness of soul; honorable; noble; not selfish.

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magnanimous ENGLISH

Great of mind; elevated in soul or in sentiment; raised above what is low, mean, or ungenerous; of lofty and …

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Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc.; above whatever is low, mean, degrading, or dishonorable; magnanimous; as, a noble nature or action; …

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noble-minded ENGLISH

Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous.

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nobleness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobility; grandeur; stateliness.

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In a noble manner; with greatness of soul; heroically; with magnanimity; as, a deed nobly done.

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parvanimity ENGLISH

The state or quality of having a little or ignoble mind; pettiness; meanness; -- opposed to magnanimity.

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