"Madyik" is a word in CEBUANO

madyik CEBUANO

madyik n {1} magic involving supernatural powers.
{2} sleight-of-hand trick.
Nalingaw ang mga bátà sa ákung madyik, The children enjoyed my tricks.
v {1} [A1; a2] practice magic.
{2} [A; a] steal s.t.
Huy, kinsay nagmadyik sa ákung bulpin diri?
Hey, who swiped my ball point pen?
-íru n magician.

Few words of positivity

A little lifting of the heart suffices a little remembrance of God one act of inward worship are prayers which however short are nevertheless acceptable to God.

Brother Lawrence

Laugh your heart out.

There was once a high-powered businessman who insisted on taking his three secretaries everywhere with him - a tall one for writing longhand, a short one for taking down shorthand, and a very small one for adding footnotes.

trampas CEBUANO

trampas n trick set to deceive, fix s.t. Way trampas tung madyíka. Tinúud giyung madyik, There was no trick in …

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