"Macrodont" is a word in ENGLISH

macrodont ENGLISH

A macrodont animal.

macrodont ENGLISH

Having large teeth.

Few words of positivity

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory.

Alfred North Whitehead

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the vampire in Camelot? He was a bite of the Round Table!

emigrant ENGLISH

One who emigrates, or quits one country or region to settle in another.

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truckman ENGLISH

One who does business in the way of barter or exchange.

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intombment ENGLISH
gossypium ENGLISH

A genus of plants which yield the cotton of the arts. The species are much confused. G. herbaceum is the …

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justify ENGLISH

To prove or show to be just; to vindicate; to maintain or defend as conformable to law, right, justice, propriety, …

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ikspiryinsadu CEBUANO

ikspiryinsádu, ikspiryinsyádu = ikspirinsiyádu. see ikspirinsiya.

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Formation of, or conversion into, cartilage.

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Eccentricity LAW AND LEGAL

In criminal law and medical jurisprudence. Personal or indlvid-ual peculiarities of mind and disposition which markedly distinguish the subject from …

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hingalít - To be quick, do at once, anticipate, do with despatch, hurry, take the first opportunity. (cf. kalít).

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To cause to move or go in a wavy manner, or by the impulse of waves, as of water or …

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bangíl - A prop or wedge for the operation called "bángil”.

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consist ENGLISH

To insist; -- followed by on.

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kapungsuran HILIGAYNON

kapungsurán - Nations, powers, states, governments. Ang mga kapungsurán sang kalibútan. The nations of the world. Ang kapupúd-an – karatíl …

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hapsà = hagsà.

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siphon ENGLISH

One of the tubes or folds of the mantle border of a bivalve or gastropod mollusk by which water is …

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-a() {1} a? x added to nouns forming words which refer to a specific one of several: Kanang isdáa, dílì …

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regeneration ENGLISH

The union of parts which have been severed, so that they become anatomically perfect; as, the regeneration of a nerve.

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delectate ENGLISH

To delight; to charm.

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