"Lumi" is a word in CEBUANO


lúmi n dish of long Chinese noodles, usually served in broth.


lumì n crease, fold, wrinkles.
v [A; a] get to be all wrinkled, creased.
Ayawg lumia nang bag-ung inutaw, Dont wrinkle your newly ironed shirt.
-un a wrinkled, creased.

Few words of positivity

Philosophically, I am a logical empiricist and materialist, and I am a veteran of over 400 radio and TV interviews and debates. I am a Christ-myth advocate and am pursuing research into how Christianity could have begun without a historical Jesus of Nazareth. I am married with one daughter and three grandchildren.

Frank R. Zindler

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Agnes !Agnes who ?Agnes & Topeka & the Santa Fe !


bira v {1} [AC2; c1] pull, tug at s.t. while standing still. Nagbira sila sa písì, They are having a …

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gulut n {1} crease or long indentation in a surface. Gulut sa líug, A crease in the neck. {1a} a …

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gum-us CEBUANO

gum-us a {1} wrinkled, crumpled. Gum-us ang sinínà, The shirt is wrinkled. {2} for hair to be disorderly, tangled. Gum-us …

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guruguru CEBUANO

gurùgurù n irregular, rough wrinkles in the skin. v [B46N] for the face to be deeply wrinkled. Nanggurùgurù ang nawung …

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karetket ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to wrinkle, to pucker. Agkaretket diay muging na. His forehead wrinkles. /MANG-:-EN/ to cause to wrinkle or pucker, …

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kunut n {1} wrinkle, fold in s.t. Daghang kunut ang íyang nawung, She has lots of wrinkles in her face. …

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kusnut CEBUANO

kusnut a wrinkled, crumpled. Kusnut na kaáyu ning ákung sinínà, My clothes are very wrinkled. v {1} [a] wrinkle, crumple. …

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lum-it CEBUANO

lum-it n crease, wrinkle. Ang lum-it sa karsúnis nahíwì, The crease in the trousers came out crooked. v [AB126; a1] …

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piligis CEBUANO

pilígis n {1} a pleat, fold sewn in s.t. {2} crease. Ayúhag plantsa ang pilígis, Iron the crease carefully. Daghang …

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plantsa CEBUANO

plantsa n {1} flatiron. {2} trowel. {3} crew cut. a for iron sheets to be flat and smooth. Plantsang sín …

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puyay n {1} name given to Japanese money during the war. {2} any fake money. {3} money that is all …

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