"Lugbati" is a word in CEBUANO

lugbati CEBUANO

lugbáti = alugbáti.

Few words of positivity

What was any art but a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose.

Willa Cather

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, doctor, should I surf the Internet on an empty stomach?No, you should do it on a computer.


To take from a box or wheel, as a lottery ticket; to receive from a lottery by the drawing out …

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cornute ENGLISH

To bestow horns upon; to make a cuckold of; to cuckold.

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A conspiracy formed and in-tended directly or indirectly to prevent the carrying on of any lawful business, or to injure …

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delphine ENGLISH

Pertaining to the dolphin, a genus of fishes.

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A small piece of wood, usually cylindrical or disk-shaped, used for various purposes.

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pelvis ENGLISH

The pelvic arch, or the pelvic arch together with the sacrum. See Pelvic arch, under Pelvic, and Sacrum.

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evincement ENGLISH

The act of evincing or proving, or the state of being evinced.

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peasant ENGLISH

A countryman; a rustic; especially, one of the lowest class of tillers of the soil in European countries.

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n. year, age. v. /AG-/ to have as age, to be as old as.

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threnody ENGLISH

A song of lamentation; a threnode.

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credible ENGLISH

Capable of being credited or believed; worthy of belief; entitled to confidence; trustworthy.

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In fiction, the story of a play, novel, romance, or poem, comprising a complication of incidents which are gradually unfolded, …

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appellative ENGLISH

An appellation or title; a descriptive name.

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firing ENGLISH

The application of fire, or of a cautery.

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siin {1} where did or does? Siin man paingun ag irù? Where did the dog go? Siin man siya iskuyla? …

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recompensive ENGLISH

Of the nature of recompense; serving to recompense.

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amputator ENGLISH

One who amputates.

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tahuy v [A; a12] make a clay pot nonporous by heating it and then putting shredded coconut or vinegar in …

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