"Ludwigite" is a word in ENGLISH

ludwigite ENGLISH

A borate of iron and magnesia, occurring in fibrous
masses of a blackish green color.

Few words of positivity

It is in doing that we could learn more about our strengths and weaknesses, and then be presented with the opportunities to work our way up from there.

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Beggar !Beggar who ?Beggar you don't know !

boracite ENGLISH

A mineral of a white or gray color occurring massive and in isometric crystals; in composition it is a magnesium …

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borate ENGLISH

A salt formed by the combination of boric acid with a base or positive radical.

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colemanite ENGLISH

A hydrous borate of lime occurring in transparent colorless or white crystals, also massive, in Southern California.

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pandermite ENGLISH

A hydrous borate of lime, near priceite.

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priceite ENGLISH

A hydrous borate of lime, from Oregon.

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ulexite ENGLISH

A mineral occurring in white rounded crystalline masses. It is a hydrous borate of lime and soda.

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warwickite ENGLISH

A dark brown or black mineral, occurring in prismatic crystals imbedded in limestone near Warwick, New York. It consists of …

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