"Lonesome" is a word in ENGLISH

lonesome ENGLISH

Conscious of, and somewhat depressed by, solitude;
as, to feel lonesome.

lonesome ENGLISH

Secluded from society; not frequented by human
beings; solitary.

Few words of positivity

We'd walk home together in the foggy summer night and I'd tell her about sex; the good stuff, like how it could be warm and exciting--it took you away--and the not-so-good things, like how once you showed someone that part of yourself, you had to trust them one thousand percent and anything could happen. Someone you thought you knew could change and suddenly not want you, suddenly decide you made a better story than a girlfriend. Or how sometimes you might think you wanted to do it and then halfway through or afterward realize no, you just wanted the company, really; you wanted someone to choose you, and the sex part itself was like a trade-off, something you felt like you had to give to get the other part. I'd tell her that and help her decide. I'd be a friend.

Sara Zarr, Story of a Girl

Laugh your heart out.

What time is it when five dogs are chasing a cat down the street?Five after one.

sablaw CEBUANO

sablaw v {1} [B1256] for the strings to be out of tune. Unsáun nímu pagkuskus ánang sistáha nga nasablaw man …

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nubali CEBUANO

nubáli [number of Spanish origin] in billiards, the amount of handicap a player gives his opponent, the amount he must …

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timik walà v [A3] keep completely silent, tight-lipped. Wà lang siya magtimik dihang giimbistigar, He didnt say a word when …

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damù = daghan, a (dialectal). () v = daghan, v (dialectal).

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endict ENGLISH

In English law. A small dwelling-house that has no land belonging to it. Shep. Touch. 94; Emerton v. Selby, 2 …

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neuron ENGLISH

The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; myelencephalon.

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surpassing ENGLISH

Eminently excellent; exceeding others.

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walup, wálup (not without l) v [A; c1] wallop, strike with a hand blow. Lisud sagngun ang íyang sirbisyu kay …

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masurub-on WARAY

Masurub-on - sad; lonely

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templádo - (Sp. templado) Temperate, moderate; tempered, blended.

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búntit - Pregnant, near delivery, big with child; to be pregnant, be (big) with child at such a stage, that …

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The blade of a sword.

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hemautography ENGLISH

The obtaining of a curve similar to a pulse curve or sphygmogram by allowing the blood from a divided artery …

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hawan WARAY

A South American freshwater dolphin (Inia Boliviensis). It is ten or twelve feet long, and has a hairy snout.

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winged ENGLISH

Represented with wings, or having wings, of a different tincture from the body.

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