"Lombardeer" is a word in ENGLISH

lombardeer ENGLISH

A pawnbroker.

Few words of positivity

For I, Sinuhe, am a human being. I have lived in everyone who existed before me and shall live in all who come after me. I shall live in human tears and laughter, in human sorrow and fear, in human goodness and wickedness, in justice and injustice, in weakness and strength. As a human being I shall live eternally in mankind. I desire no offerings at my tomb and no immortality for my name. This was written by Sinuhe, the Egyptian, who lived alone all the days of his life.

Mika Waltari, The Egyptian

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor my husband smells like fishPoor sole!


ahénsya - (Sp. agencia) Agency, an agent’s office; pawnbroker’s shop, an agent’s or commissioner’s bureau, especially one for the advancing …

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gáwad - To get at a price, to recover—, redeem—, a pawn, to replevy, replevin, pay off a—mortgage,—a debt on …

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hándal - To offer for sale, sell (second hand), put up for sale, look for a buyer, try to dispose …

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lombar-house ENGLISH

A bank or a pawnbroker's shop.

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lumber ENGLISH

A pawnbroker's shop, or room for storing articles put in pawn; hence, a pledge, or pawn.

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mont de piete ENGLISH

One of certain public pawnbroking establishments which originated in Italy in the 15th century, the object of which was to …

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Montes Pietatib LAW AND LEGAL

Public pawnbrok-lng establishments; institutions established by government, in some European countries, for lending small sums of money on pledgee of …

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pawnbroker ENGLISH

One who makes a business of lending money on the security of personal property pledged or deposited in his keeping.

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Pawnbroker LAW AND LEGAL

A person whose busi-ness is to lend money, usually in small sums, on secnrity of personal property deposited with hith …

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pawnbroking ENGLISH

The business of a pawnbroker.

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pignerate ENGLISH

to receive in pawn, as a pawnbroker does.

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