"Loko-Loko, Loko-Loko" is a word in HILIGAYNON

loko-loko, loko-loko HILIGAYNON

lokó-lóko, lokó-lokó - Dim. of lóko—

Few words of positivity

For a great many people, the evening is the most enjoyable part of the day. Perhaps, then, there is something to his advice that I should cease looking back so much, that I should adopt a more positive outlook and try to make the best of what remains of my day. After all, what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as we might have wished?

Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day

Laugh your heart out.

A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet over his head.'Are you here as a ghost ?' asked his friends'No, I'm an undercover agent".


In Shetland and Orkney, a freehold; property held by udal, or allodial, right.

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abaxial ENGLISH
supersede ENGLISH

To displace, or set aside, and put another in place of; as, to supersede an officer.

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attaint ENGLISH

To subject (a person) to the legal condition formerly resulting from a sentence of death or outlawry, pronounced in respect …

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bayli n dance, ball. v {1} [AC; b1c3] do ballroom dancing. Gibaylíhan (gikabayli) nákù si Rús, I danced with Rose. …

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impediment ENGLISH

That which impedes or hinders progress, motion, activity, or effect.

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collaborator ENGLISH

An associate in labor, especially in literary or scientific labor.

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whitethroat ENGLISH

Any one of several species of Old World warblers, esp. the common European species (Sylvia cinerea), called also strawsmear, nettlebird, …

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tarádag - To ramble in conversation, talk nonsense, speak in an incoherent manner; to step or stumble in, act thoughtlessly …

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slattern ENGLISH

A woman who is negligent of her dress or house; one who is not neat and nice.

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pangindahay CEBUANO

pangindáhay n wishful longing, desire. v [A2; b6c1] dream of s.t. wishfully, long for s.t. , asking for it. Kun …

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skimming ENGLISH

That which is skimmed from the surface of a liquid; -- chiefly used in the plural; as, the skimmings of …

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preexistence ENGLISH

Existence of the soul before its union with the body; -- a doctrine held by certain philosophers.

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pituitary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the pituitary body; as, the pituitary fossa.

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handling ENGLISH

The mode of using the pencil or brush, etc.; style of touch.

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To tincture with something offensive or injurious.

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aplastic ENGLISH

Not plastic or easily molded.

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balinsungag CEBUANO

balinsúngag v [B1; c1] be placed with the ends in a random disorderly way. Ayaw balinsungága (ibalinsúngag) pagbutang ang mga …

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alimadamad ILOKANO

v. /MAKA-: MA-/ to hear or remember (something) indistinctly or vaguely. Ania ti naalimadamad mo idiay tiendaan? What did you …

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