"Liwat-Liwat" is a word in HILIGAYNON

liwat-liwat HILIGAYNON

liwát-líwat - Dim. and Freq. of liwát. (cf.
liwánlíwan, sulítsúlit, luwánlúwan).

Few words of positivity

The Bible is not a witness to the best people making it up to God; it's a witness to God making it down to the worst people. Far from being a book full of moral heroes whom we are commanded to emulate, what we discover is that the so-called heroes in the Bible are not really heroes at all. They fall and fail; they make huge mistakes; they get afraid; they're selfish, deceptive, egotistical, and unreliable. The Bible is one long story of God meeting our rebellion with His rescue, our sin with His salvation, our guilt with His grace, our badness with His goodness.

Tullian Tchividjian, One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World

Laugh your heart out.

Two old men were sat on a bench outside a nursing home having a chat. "How areyou, Richard?" asked George. "I'm not feeling too good today, I'm utterlyexhausted," replied Richard. "I've pulled a muscle, and it's killing me." "I'msurprised that a pulled muscle makes you feel so tired," said George. Richardyawned and said, "Well, it does if you pull it a hundred times in one night."

parvoline ENGLISH

A liquid base, C/H/N, of the pyridine group, found in coal tar; also, any one of the series of isometric …

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fixation ENGLISH

A state of resistance to evaporation or volatilization by heat; -- said of metals.

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palígà - (B) Caus. of lígà—to forget. Paligáa ang bátà sináng mga butáng. Let the child forget it (such things).

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tágum - Indigo plant, indigo, indigo blue. (cf. anyíl).

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To give credence to; to believe; to credit.

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The young of an animal.

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ikî - (B) A small copper coin, half a centavo (now out of circulation); small, little, tiny, wee, minute, slight. …

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sanctimony ENGLISH

Holiness; devoutness; scrupulous austerity; sanctity; especially, outward or artificial saintliness; assumed or pretended holiness; hypocritical devoutness.

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A small piece of land

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jansenism ENGLISH

The doctrine of Jansen regarding free will and divine grace.

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detective ENGLISH

One who business it is so detect criminals or discover matters of secrecy.

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túptup - To include all, etc. See tóptop, tápud, kámpod, tipatíp.

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Cassation, Court Of LAW AND LEGAL

(Fr. eour de cassation.) The highest court in France; so termed from possessing the power to quash (casser) the decrees …

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diffidence ENGLISH

The state of being diffident; distrust; want of confidence; doubt of the power, ability, or disposition of others.

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tumágsak - Seldom, rarely. Tumágsak gid lámang ang íya pagabút dirí. He very seldom comes here. (cf. tumalágsa).

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apir Definition: (Tagalog slang) a form of greeting similar to American high-five, where the arms are raised and the palms …

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hailse ENGLISH

To greet; to salute.

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