"Liug" is a word in CEBUANO


líug n neck.
Butilyang taas ug líug, A bottle with a long neck.
() v {1} [A123S; a12] hit in the neck.
Liugun níya ug pusil ang liyun, He will shoot the lion in the neck.
{2} sa bitik ni San Markus v [a3] be hooked into marriage (lit.
be caught in the neck by the noose of St.
Ígù lang kung migraduwar, naliug dáyun ku sa bitik ni San Markus, As soon as I graduated I got married.
paN- v [A2] get thick at the neck.
Nanglíug siyag maáyu, mu rag bábuy, Hes got lots of fat around the neck like a pig.
panghi-() v [B2456] for a young bull to become fully mature, as shown by an enlargement of the neck.
Manungag ra ba nang turíyu nga manghiliug, That young bull will gore you now that hes getting mature.
paN-() n in plowing with a water bu?
alo, a rope tied from one end of the yoke to the other, passing under the animals neck, the purpose of which is to prevent the yoke from slipping o?
taga-() a up to the neck.
Tagaliug ku sa mga útang, Im up to my neck in debt.
v [B156] get to be up to the neck.

Few words of positivity

I doubt if I have made the best use of all my calamities. Soft, amiable natures they would have refined to saintliness; of strong, evil spirits they would have made demons; as for me, I have only been a woe-struck and selfish woman.

Charlotte Brontë, Villette

Laugh your heart out.

ur mama is sooo fat, she sat on a dollar and made 4 quarters pop out.

agit-it CEBUANO

agit-it n {1} white streaks of dirt or dried up perspiration. {2} dirt that sticks to things or the skin. …

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aligi n the yellow fat of crabs. v [A13; b4] {1} for crabs to have fat in abundant quantities. Kasag …

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antiyuhus CEBUANO

antiyúhus ug bíka v [A13] miss seeing s.t. too big to be over-looked (lit. wearing glasses made of potsherds). antrak, …

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bakgut CEBUANO

bakgut v [A; b5c] cut s.t. o? with a motion in the direction of the agent, usually with a sickle. …

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balhun CEBUANO

balhun n {1} rope tied from one end of the yoke to the other end, passing below the neck, so …

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baliktus CEBUANO

baliktus v {1} = baligtus. {2} [B] be wrapped around, coil one-self around. Mibaliktus (nabaliktus) ang hálas sa sanga, The …

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baliug CEBUANO

baliug (from líug) v [A; c] wear s.t. around the neck. Nagbaliug siyag panyù, He wore a handkerchief around his …

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bandurin CEBUANO

bandurin = banduríya. banduríya, bandurya n {1} stringed instrument with 4 to 8 pairs of strings, played with a plectrum, …

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bandyu CEBUANO

bandyu n musical instrument similar to the banjo, but with 6 double strings and a shorter neck, about 10 long. …

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bigut n s. o. having ugly, knotted scars at the neck. v [B126] for the neck to be ugly with …

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bissayot ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to hang downwards, droop. Sep-akem dayta sanga ti kayo tapno agbissayot ditoy daga. Break that branch of the …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to hang by the neck until dead.

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bugsù v {1} [A; c] drive s.t. long into the ground or some other surface. Ibugsù ang mga lipak, Drive …

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bungabung CEBUANO

bungabung, bungábung n the long feathers around the neck of male fowl, often used as lures in fishing. Pulang bungabung …

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coquette ENGLISH

A tropical humming bird of the genus Lophornis, with very elegant neck plumes. Several species are known. See Illustration under …

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dal-us CEBUANO

dal-us v [APB; c1P] {1} drag or slide slowly in a downward di-rection. Ang íyang nigusyu nagkadal-us sa kapútu, His …

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díhug v {1} [A; c] rub, spread s.t. over an area. Líug nga dihúgan ug agwa, Neck with perfume applied …

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dugù n {1} blood. May dugù siyang Katsílà, He has Spanish blood. {2} blood from menstruation. Kusug kug dugù human …

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dunsilya CEBUANO

dunsilya a {1} virgin. Sa taga Sibu pisù ray dunsilya, The only virgins in Cebu are baby chicks. {2} too …

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gakut n scars on the skin marked by heavy scar tissue. v [B126] have large, ugly scars. Nagakut ang íyang …

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