"Listener" is a word in ENGLISH

listener ENGLISH

One who listens; a hearkener.

Few words of positivity

Getting caught up in someone else's dream is like a drug. Sometimes you have to go cold turkey.

Susan McIntire

Laugh your heart out.

Years ago, Nebraskans got tired of leaning into the wind, having their top soil blown away, and chickens laying their eggs two and three times. Seems the wind continually came down from Canada, and there was nothing between Canada and Nebraska to stop it. The farmers all got together and decided to build a fence across the North Border of the State of Nebraska. . . . the idea being, to stop that cold wind. It might've worked, too. The barbed wire they used was strong enough, .but the real problem was that a couple owners of farms on the upper boarder kept leaving their gates open.

alang-alang CEBUANO

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now. …

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bátì v {1} [A23; a12] feel s.t. , have symptoms of a sickness. Dì ka mubátig kasakit íning dagúma, You …

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dágat n {1} sea. {2} sea water. v [A123P; a4] feel sick to ones stomach, seasick. Makadágat (makapadágat) pamináwun ang …

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daplin CEBUANO

daplin pa- v {1a} [A2; c] put aside s.t. one is doing. Mipadaplin siya sa íyang gibása ug namátì sa …

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dungug CEBUANO

dungug v {1} [A12; a3b2] hear. Nakadungug ka sa kasábà? Did you hear the noise? Wà nákù madungug ang íyang …

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eavesdropper ENGLISH

One who stands under the eaves, or near the window or door of a house, to listen; hence, a secret …

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gamay a {1} small in size, amount, number. Ngánung gamay ka mang pagkatáwu? Why are you a small person? {2} …

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hearkener ENGLISH

One who hearkens; a listener.

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ikspirinsiya CEBUANO

ikspirinsiya n experience, things one has lived through. v [A12] have experienced. Nakaikspirinsiya na ku sa kinabúhì sa dágat, I …

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kading CEBUANO

kading n one who gossips (slang). Ang mga kading namínaw pag-áyu sa lális sa magtiáyun, The gossips listened with close …

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kinolás - To brag, boast, praise oneself and one’s own. Pamatíi, nagakinolás na man siá. Listen, he is boasting again.

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kúhà get and bring, get and take away. v {1} [A3S; ab7] get. Magkúhà kug túbig pára nímu, Ill get …

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kupil a indistinct in pronunciation, not intelligible. Kupil siya ug sinultian kay miági man siya ug daut, He has been …

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kwistiyun CEBUANO

kwistiyun n {1} question raised in a class, meeting, examina-tion. Píla ka kwistiyun ang tís? How many questions are there …

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lális v [AC; ac3] argue about the rightness of s.t. , dispute. Dì ku malális nga may rasun ku, You …

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litik v {1} [AN; c1] snap ones finger. Nagpanglitik siya sa íyang tudlù sa higayun nga nalipatan, He snapped his …

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lugar n {1} geographical place. Nakaadtu na ku sa lainláing lugar sa kalibútan, I have been to various places in …

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maniningad HILIGAYNON

maniningád - A listener, eavesdropper, one who overhears a conversation, a spy. (cf. tingád).

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Memorization LAW AND LEGAL

Committing anything to memory. Used to describe the act of one who listens to a public representation of. a play …

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nubali CEBUANO

nubáli [number of Spanish origin] in billiards, the amount of handicap a player gives his opponent, the amount he must …

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