"Liquidated" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Liquidated LAW AND LEGAL

Ascertained; determin-ed; fixed; settled; made clear or manifest Cleared away; paid; discharged

liquidated ENGLISH

of Liquidate

Few words of positivity

You are like the kid who even cannot understand the different between a kiss on the cheek and a kiss on the lips simple and devoted unlike the rest of the world.


Laugh your heart out.

What do witches use pencil sharpeners for?To keep their hats pointed.

ascertain ENGLISH

To make (a thing) certain to the mind; to free from obscurity, doubt, or change; to make sure of; to …

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To fix; to render certaiu or definite; to estimate and determine; to clear of doubt or obscurity. Brown v. Lyd-dy, …

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To subject, as an ore, alloy, or other metallic compound, to chemical or metallurgical examination, in order to determine the …

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The act or process of ascertaining the proportion of a particular metal in an ore or alloy; especially, the determination …

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barometer ENGLISH

An instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, and hence for judging of the probable changes of …

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calculate ENGLISH

To ascertain or determine by mathematical processes, usually by the ordinary rules of arithmetic; to reckon up; to estimate; to …

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calibrate ENGLISH

To ascertain the caliber of, as of a thermometer tube; also, more generally, to determine or rectify the graduation of, …

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definable ENGLISH

Capable of being defined, limited, or explained; determinable; describable by definition; ascertainable; as, definable limits; definable distinctions or regulations; definable …

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define ENGLISH

To determine with precision; to mark out with distinctness; to ascertain or exhibit clearly; as, the defining power of an …

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determinable ENGLISH

Capable of being determined, definitely ascertained, decided upon, or brought to a conclusion.

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Determinate LAW AND LEGAL

That which ls ascertained; what is particularly designated

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determinately ENGLISH

In a determinate manner; definitely; ascertainably.

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determine ENGLISH

To ascertain the presence, quantity, or amount of; as, to determine the parallax; to determine the salt in sea water.

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determine ENGLISH

To ascertain definitely; to find out the specific character or name of; to assign to its true place in a …

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elaiometer ENGLISH

An apparatus for determining the amount of oil contained in any substance, or for ascertaining the degree of purity of …

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eudiometry ENGLISH

The art or process of determining the constituents of a gaseous mixture by means of the eudiometer, or for ascertaining …

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galactometer ENGLISH

An instrument for ascertaining the quality of milk (i.e., its richness in cream) by determining its specific gravity; a lactometer.

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hypsometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring heights by observation of barometric pressure; esp., one for determining heights by ascertaining the boiling point …

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Not determinable; impossible to be determined; not to be definitely known, ascertained, defined, or limited.

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To adjust or settle an ln-debtedness; to determine an amount to lie paid; to clear up an account and ascertain …

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