"Linong" is a word in ILOKANO, HILIGAYNON

linong ILOKANO

n. shade. adj. /NA-/ shady. Nalinong daytoy kayo yo. Your tree is shady. v. /-UM-/ to go under the shade, to shade oneself. /MANGI-. I-/ to put under the shade.


linóng - Quietude, peace, tranquillity,
calm, calmness; peaceful, tranquil, quiet,
calm; to be, become or make calm, etc.
Naglinóng na ang íla baláy. Their house is
quiet now. Naglinóng na ang íla
panimaláy. Their family-life is peaceful
now. Linongá ang ínyo pagpuyô. Live
quietly together i.e. don’t quarrel or the
like. Walâ pa maglinóng ang pagpuyô
dídto, kay ang bolkán nagatúga pa kag
nagapalínog. Life there has not yet become
tranquil, because the volcano is active still
and causes earthquakes. Ginalinongán gid
akó siníng bánwa. This town appears to
me to be very quiet, peaceful or tranquil.
(cf. táwhay, dáit, húsay).

Few words of positivity

Seize the moments that are before you instead of planning for future moments that get lost in the abyss of time.

Orly Wahba, Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts

Laugh your heart out.

An English teacher asked her class to write an essay on what they'd do if they had a million dollars. Alec handed in a blank sheet of paper. 'Alec !' yelled the teacher, 'you've done nothing. Why?''Because if I had a million dollars, that's exactly what I would do !'


álung v [A; b6] cast a shadow over s.t. Ang taas káhuy nag-álung sa ákung gardin, The tall tree casts …

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amalanhig HILIGAYNON

amalánhig - One who appears after death and haunts houses, etc.; a ghost, spectre, phantom, spirit, shade, wraith, spook, apparition; …

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balhin CEBUANO

balhin (from halin) v {1} [A; c1] {1a} move s.t. from one place to another. Balhínun (ibalhin) ta kini didtu …

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habong-habong HILIGAYNON

habóng-hábong - A screen, shelter, canopy, blind, jalousie, shade, curtain, awning to keep off the sun; to put up a …

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hágbong - Shadow, shade, obscurity, gloom, umbrage, murk, dusk; to be or become shadowy, dark, etc. May hágbong sa pihák …

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halung CEBUANO

halung, hálung v [A; b(1)] {1} cast shade over plants so as to stunt their growth. Wà mutúbù ang rúsas …

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hirábong - Dense, affording shade, shady, etc. See hilábong. Also: Screen, cover; supernumerary, substitute, stop-gap, filling a vacancy or just …

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hulúng - Shadow, shade; growing or situated in the shade; to overshadow, give shade, throw a shadow upon. Magpúngkò kitá …

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ínit a {1} hot, warm to the touch. Ínit ang pán, The bread is still warm. Ínit kaáyu sa kwartu, …

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kálù n hat. sa pitrumaks n shade of pressure lantern. v [A; a] wear a hat, make into a hat. …

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kayâ - To lie on one’s back, to lie supine, lie face upward. Nagakayâ silá sa lándong sang páhò. They …

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lámbung - Shadow, shade; to give shade to, etc. Nalambungán siá sang madábung nga páhò. He was in the shadow …

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lándong - Shade, shadow; to give or provide shade, be shady. Nalandongán kamí dídto sang madábung nga páhò. We were …

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landung CEBUANO

landung n {1} image, replica. Daw landung sa kamatáyun ang íyang panagway, Her face is a picture of death. Landung …

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langsub CEBUANO

langsub a for an area to be shady and dark, either because it is depressed below the surrounding land or …

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lípnan - From lípon—to screen, etc. Pagalípnan ko ang sugâ. I am going to screen the light, shade the lantern—or—the …

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lipon, lipon HILIGAYNON

lípon, lipón - To screen, cover, hide, conceal. Nalípnan (naliponán) ang íya nga sululátan. His writing table is screened off. …

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loóm - In the shade, not receiving much light, dark, gloomy, dreary, lonely; to be in the shade, lonely, gloomy, …

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lupón - Screen, cover, shade, curtain, blind, veil; to screen, eclipse, cover, veil, curtain off, hide behind, obstruct the view. …

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lútù v {1} [AB12; a] cook. Humut ang nagkalutung inasal, The roast pig smelled delicious as it was cooking. Lutúun …

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