"Likus" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


líkus - Periphery, circumference; a scaly
ring round the legs of some cocks. Ang íban
nga mga sulúg may líkus, ang ibán walâ.
Some cocks have a líkus, some have none.


líkus v [A; c] be coiled around s.t.
Sawa nga nagalíkus sa sanga, A snake coiled around the branch.
Milíkus sa payag ang mga sundálu, The soldiers surrounded the hut.
Dúnay paril nga naglíkus sa simbahan, There is a stone wall that is surround-ing the church.
Ílang giliksan sa púkut ang dakung duut sa isdà, They encircled the big school of fish with the net.
n mea-surement around s.t.
, perimeter.
(), likuslikus n k.
itchy skin infection where eruptions of watery pustules appear in splotches around the body and later burst.

Few words of positivity

Rule number six: no promises.""Okay", I agree easily. "No promises, ever.""Promise?" he asks."Promise.""And that's it.""That's the only one.

Mary Elizabeth

Laugh your heart out.

A brunette, a redhead, and a blonde were robbing a supermarket when a police officer walked in the store.The three women decide to hide in three potato sacks.The cop kicks the first bag, and the brunette says, "meow", the cop says, "oh, its only a cat"He kicks the second bag, and the redhead says, "woof, woof". The cop says, "its only a dog".He kicks the third bag, and the blonde says, "potato"

pisaw-pisaw HILIGAYNON

pisáw-pisáw - To blink, twinkle, wink; to open and shut the eyes rapidly; to nictitate. Dim. and Freq. of pisáw. …

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preterition ENGLISH

The omission by a testator of some one of his heirs who is entitled to a portion.

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A woman having proprietary rights or authority; mistress; -- a feminine correlative of lord.

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suspend ENGLISH

To support in a liquid, as an insoluble powder, by stirring, to facilitate chemical action.

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rostrulum ENGLISH

A little rostrum, or beak, as of an insect.

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kásla - Imperative passive of kasál.

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The spring of life; youth; hence, full health, strength, or beauty; perfection.

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engineer ENGLISH

A person skilled in the principles and practice of any branch of engineering. See under Engineering, n.

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corvine ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the crow; crowlike.

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kapóte - Select tobacco leaves used as wrappers for cigars. Dálhi akó sing maáyo nga dáhon sang tabákò, kay ikapóte …

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exempt ENGLISH

Cut off; set apart.

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vulturine ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a vulture; resembling a vulture in qualities or looks; as, the vulturine sea eagle (Gypohierax Angolensis); …

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The Cucubalus behen, or bladder campion, now called Silene inflata.

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To go beyond bounds; to surpass; to be in excess.

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matrimunyal CEBUANO

matrimunyal n double bed. matríra = matríru (female).

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To abide; to remain for a longer or shorter time; to be in a certain state or condition; as, to …

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