"Likung" is a word in CEBUANO

likung CEBUANO

likung, líkung v [A; c1] make into a circle, coil.
Likúngun (ilíkung) ku ning alambri, I will coil up the wire into a cir-cular loop.
n s.t.
fashioned into a coil, loop.
Dúnay líkung nga gipátung níya sa íyang úlu silbing hapin sa íyang lukdúun, She has a piece of cloth rolled into a coil which she placed on her head to cushion what she is going to carry.
Kuháang likung kay maghulahup ku, Get me a hoop.
Im going to play hulahoop.

Few words of positivity

A winded, defeated-looking fat woman in filthy coveralls trudged beside us, hearing what Miss Pefko said. She turned to examine Dr. Breed, looking at him with helpless reproach. She hated people who thought too much. At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate representative for almost all mankind.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Cat's Cradle

Laugh your heart out.

What is the American national day for vampires?Fangsgiving Day.

forthwith ENGLISH

Immediately; without delay; directly.

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A store laid up, from which one may draw at pleasure; a supply; a full provision of resources; as, a …

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In Scotch law. A wand or staff carried by the messenger of a court, and which, when deforced, (that Is, …

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leasing ENGLISH

The act of lying; falsehood; a lie or lies.

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bicarbureted ENGLISH
eleven ENGLISH

The eleven men selected to play on one side in a match, as the representatives of a club or a …

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typology ENGLISH

A discourse or treatise on types.

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allantoin ENGLISH

A crystalline, transparent, colorless substance found in the allantoic liquid of the fetal calf; -- formerly called allantoic acid and …

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phraseology ENGLISH

A collection of phrases; a phrase book.

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aha aha! Aha! Nasakpan ka na giyud, Aha! At last Ive caught you!

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cryptonym ENGLISH

A secret name; a name by which a person is known only to the initiated.

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Defensive Allegation LAW AND LEGAL

In Eng-llsh ecclesiastical law. A species of plead-ing, where the defendant, instead of denying the plaintiff’s charge upon oath, has …

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To have or turn the face or front in any direction; as, the house fronts toward the east.

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madhouse ENGLISH

A house where insane persons are confined; an insane asylum; a bedlam.

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Hence, something tied to a lure to entice a hawk; also, a trap for an animal; a snare.

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sensualism ENGLISH

The condition or character of one who is sensual; subjection to sensual feelings and appetite; sensuality.

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