"Lice" is a word in ENGLISH


pl. of Louse.


of Louse

Few words of positivity

Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.

John Wesley

Laugh your heart out.

How did Gertie Gorilla win the beauty contest?She was the beast of the show!

Antenuptial LAW AND LEGAL

Made or done before a marriage. Antenuptial settlements are settlements of property upon the wife, or up-on her and her …

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profuse ENGLISH

To pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander.

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corrupt ENGLISH

To become putrid or tainted; to putrefy; to rot.

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tuáng - Partner, companion, mate, helper, assistant; second godparent (godfather, godmother) at baptism; to be or become a partner, etc.; …

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The two American fresh-water species of black bass (genus Micropterus). See Black bass.

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adjoin ENGLISH

To lie or be next, or in contact; to be contiguous; as, the houses adjoin.

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gradino ENGLISH

A step or raised shelf, as above a sideboard or altar. Cf. Superaltar, and Gradin.

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intuition ENGLISH

A looking after; a regard to.

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osón - (Sp. ozono) Ozone.

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unobservance ENGLISH

Want or neglect of observance; inobservance.

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hulugniton HILIGAYNON

hulugníton - (H) One who is about to be, or should be, attacked by others in a body; a prey …

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púhag - To break open, unfold, ransack, disturb one’s peace, to rummage and deprive of (e.g. take away the honey …

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Submortgage LAW AND LEGAL

when a person who holds a mortgage as security for a loan which he has made, procures a loan to …

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becripple ENGLISH

To make a cripple of; to cripple; to lame.

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retire ENGLISH

To cause to retire; specifically, to designate as no longer qualified for active service; to place on the retired list; …

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eulogize ENGLISH

To speak or write in commendation of (another); to extol in speech or writing; to praise.

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Burglariter LAW AND LEGAL

L. Lat. (Burglarious-Iy.) In old criminal pleading. A necessary word in Indictments for burglary

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tertian ENGLISH

A disease, especially an intermittent fever, which returns every third day, reckoning inclusively, or in which the intermission lasts one …

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