"Libintadur" is a word in CEBUANO

libintadur CEBUANO

libintadur n firecrackers.

Few words of positivity

The problem is that the media rarely discusses the real reasons behind why women leave their jobs. We hear a lot about the desire to be closer to the children, the love of crafting and gardening, and making food from scratch. But reasons like lack of maternity leave, lack of affordable day care, lack of job training, and unhappiness with the 24/7 work culture-well, those aren't getting very much airtime.

Emily Matchar, Homeward Bound: Why Women are Embracing the New Domesticity

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many Iranians does it take to change a light bulb? A: One hundred - One to screw it in and 99 to hold the house hostage.

In Mortua Manu LAW AND LEGAL

Property owned by religions societies was said to be held in mortua manu, or ln mortmain, since religions men were …

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matúl-id - Exact, precise, strictly adhering or attending to, nice punctilious; conscientious. (túl-id).

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hain Active Verb: maghain Passive Verb: ihain Definition: (verb) to set the table; to serve, to offer Examples: 1) Maghain …

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consort ENGLISH

A ship keeping company with another.

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dalay-ahan HILIGAYNON

dalay-áhan - (H) Beach, sea-shore, coast, strand, sea-side. (cf. dái-a, dáy-a, báybay, baybáyon).

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grampus ENGLISH

A toothed delphinoid cetacean, of the genus Grampus, esp. G. griseus of Europe and America, which is valued for its …

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admiration ENGLISH

Wonder; astonishment.

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benzoate ENGLISH

A salt formed by the union of benzoic acid with any salifiable base.

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occasion ENGLISH

A reason or excuse; a motive; a persuasion.

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The act of snuffing; perception by snuffing; a sniff.

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alput n prostitute (euphemism for púta). v [B16; a12] become, make into a prostitute.

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triplet ENGLISH

Three verses rhyming together.

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To inclose for combat; as, to list a field.

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One of the Scutibranchiata.

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crusade ENGLISH

Any enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm; as, a crusade against intemperance.

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complemental ENGLISH

Supplying, or tending to supply, a deficiency; fully completing.

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To select by the drawing of lots.

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materialness ENGLISH

The state of being material.

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