"Levesel" is a word in ENGLISH

levesel ENGLISH

A leafy shelter; a place covered with foliage.

Few words of positivity

I liked Rafael. I liked listening to Rafael. I liked touching him. I liked it when he took me in his arms and made me feel like I belonged to him, like our hearts ran together as one, indistinct. Rafael was beautiful. Rafael was my heart's friend. I didn't understand how that meant I liked boys. As far as I knew, it only meant I liked Rafael.More than liked Rafael.

Rose Christo, Gives Light

Laugh your heart out.

Young Actor: Dad, guess what? I've just got my first part in a play. I play the part of a man who's been married for 30 years. Father: Well, keep at it, son. Maybe one day you'll get a speaking part.

acrocarpous ENGLISH

Having the fruit stalks at the end of a leafy stem, as in certain mosses.

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alkekengi ENGLISH

An herbaceous plant of the nightshade family (Physalis alkekengi) and its fruit, which is a well flavored berry, the size …

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caulescent ENGLISH

Having a leafy stem.

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dábong - Dense foliage; to be shady, leafy, thick with leaves, dense with foliage. Ang páhò nagadábong. The mango-tree is …

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foliate ENGLISH

Furnished with leaves; leafy; as, a foliate stalk.

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foliose ENGLISH

Having many leaves; leafy.

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frondent ENGLISH

Covered with leaves; leafy; as, a frondent tree.

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hanáhon - Leafy, covered with—, full of—, leaves. (cf. dáhon).

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hulúng - Shadow, shade; growing or situated in the shade; to overshadow, give shade, throw a shadow upon. Magpúngkò kitá …

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kadina CEBUANO

kadína n chain. Kadína sa bisiklíta, Bicycle chain. v {1} [AB; a] form a chain, cause s.t. to do so. …

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leafiness ENGLISH

The state of being leafy.

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Full of leaves; abounding in leaves; as, the leafy forest.

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Consisting of leaves.

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madábung - Dense, thick, full of foliage, leafy, bushy. (dábung).

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mamúrong - (B) Shady, thick, dense, leafy (of foliage). (cf. múrong, madábung, magápà).

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múrong - (B) Dense, leafy, thick; to be or become dense or thick of foliage. Nagamúrong ang mga sangá siníng …

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oophore ENGLISH

An alternately produced form of certain cryptogamous plants, as ferns, mosses, and the like, which bears antheridia and archegonia, and …

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