"Lestage, Lastage" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Lestage, Lastage LAW AND LEGAL

A custom for carrying things in fairs and markets. Fleta

Few words of positivity

I had given up some youth for knowledge, but my gain was more valuable than the loss.

Maya Angelou

Laugh your heart out.

Police officer: Excuse me, but your dog has been chasing a man on his bicycle.Dog owner: Are you crazy? My dog can't even ride a bicycle.

abolish ENGLISH

To do away with wholly; to annul; to make void; -- said of laws, customs, institutions, governments, etc.; as, to …

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abolition ENGLISH

The act of abolishing, or the state of being abolished; an annulling; abrogation; utter destruction; as, the abolition of slavery …

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abrogate ENGLISH

To annul by an authoritative act; to abolish by the authority of the maker or his successor; to repeal; -- …

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A corrupt practice or custom; offense; crime; fault; as, the abuses in the civil service.

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abúso - (Sp. abuso) Abuse, wrong-doing, impropriety, reprehensible conduct, bad custom; to abuse, beguile, cheat, misuse. A, abúso gid inâ. …

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accustomably ENGLISH

According to custom; ordinarily; customarily.

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accustomance ENGLISH

Custom; habitual use.

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accustomed ENGLISH

Frequented by customers.

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Admortization LAW AND LEGAL

The reduction of property of lands or tenements to mort-main, in the feudal customs

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aduána - (Sp. aduana) Custom-house; customs-duty, toll, tax, import duty.

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adwana CEBUANO

adwána n {2} place where the customs house is located or the port area near the customs house. Didtus adwána …

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adwana CEBUANO

adwána n customs.

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africanism ENGLISH

A word, phrase, idiom, or custom peculiar to Africa or Africans.

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ágad - To serve, especially applied to prospective husbands serving for their betrothed. Nagapangágad na siá dídto. He is serving …

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ágao - Prepossessing, charming, captivating, attractive and hence having many admirers, clients or customers, being much sought after or resorted …

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agriology ENGLISH

Description or comparative study of the customs of savage or uncivilized tribes.

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In ancient customs, a fee, due from the vassals to thelr lord for sharpening thelr plowing tackle

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The white*book; an ancient book containing a compilation of the law and customs of the city of London. It has …

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americanism ENGLISH

A custom peculiar to the United States or to America; an American characteristic or idea.

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