"Leprose" is a word in ENGLISH

leprose ENGLISH

Covered with thin, scurfy scales.

Few words of positivity

Its time we woke up,” pursued Gerald, still inwardly urged to unfamiliar speech. “Women are pretty much people, seems to me. I know they dress like fools - but who’s to blame for that? We invent all those idiotic hats of theirs, and design their crazy fashions, and what’s more, if a woman is courageous enough to wear common-sense clothes - and shoes - which of us wants to dance with her?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories

Laugh your heart out.

How do warty witches keep their hair out of place? With scare spray.

alum-um CEBUANO

alum-um a for the sky to be overcast. v {1} [B] become overcast. Mialum-um ang búwan, The moon became covered …

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aponeurosis ENGLISH

Any one of the thicker and denser of the deep fasciae which cover, invest, and the terminations and attachments of, …

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To cover (meat or game) with a thin slice of fat bacon.

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A thin slice of fat bacon used to cover any meat or game.

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batten ENGLISH

A strip of sawed stuff, or a scantling; as, (a) pl. (Com. & Arch.) Sawed timbers about 7 by 2 …

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To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel; as a road newly paved, in order that the …

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carinaria ENGLISH

A genus of oceanic heteropod Mollusca, having a thin, glassy, bonnet-shaped shell, which covers only the nucleus and gills.

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casing ENGLISH

The act or process of inclosing in, or covering with, a case or thin substance, as plaster, boards, etc.

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A title given to serjeants at law, who are called “serjeants of the coif,’’ from the coif they wear on …

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A thin, oblong turf used for covering cottages, and also for fuel.

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favella ENGLISH

A group of spores arranged without order and covered with a thin gelatinous envelope, as in certain delicate red algae.

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A thin skin; a pellicle; a membranous covering, causing opacity; hence, any thin, slight covering.

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To cover with a thin skin or pellicle.

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To cover with a thin layer, as objects of glass with glass of a different color. See Flashing, n., 3 …

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To overlay with a thin covering of gold; to cover with a golden color; to cause to look like gold.

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To incrust, cover, or overlay with a thin surface, consisting of, or resembling, glass; as, to glaze earthenware; hence, to …

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guilding ENGLISH

The art or practice of overlaying or covering with gold leaf; also, a thin coating or wash of gold, or …

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habul v [A; a] weave with a hand loom. Habla ang lánut, Weave the abaca fibers in a hand loom. …

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hornbook ENGLISH

The first book for children, or that from which in former times they learned their letters and rudiments; -- so …

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indusium ENGLISH

The immediate covering of the fruit dots or sori in many ferns, usually a very thin scale attached by the …

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