"Layob" is a word in HILIGAYNON


láyob - To scorch, parch, wither, heat,
warm (said of things that are very near, but
not quite in contact with, a flame). Naláyob
ang búlak sang dábdab sang kandílà. The
flower was scorched by the light of the
candle. (cf. pásò, láhob, hálob).

Few words of positivity

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.

Lao Tzu

Laugh your heart out.

How did Gertie Gorilla make the 'Playboy' Calendar?She was 'Miss Ape-ril!'

continue ENGLISH

To protract or extend in duration; to preserve or persist in; to cease not.

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landscape ENGLISH

A picture representing a scene by land or sea, actual or fancied, the chief subject being the general aspect of …

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laving ENGLISH

Producing life, action, animation, or vigor; quickening.

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Near the wind; as, to lay a ship ahold.

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wightly ENGLISH

Swiftly; nimbly; quickly.

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profess ENGLISH

To set up a claim to; to make presence to; hence, to put on or present an appearance of.

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Incapable of extermination.

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One who gives information; an intelligencer.

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súgpon - To splice, add to in length, prolong, join, continue. Sugponá ang duhá ka písì. Join the two strings …

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school ENGLISH

The disciples or followers of a teacher; those who hold a common doctrine, or accept the same teachings; a sect …

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lager wine ENGLISH

Wine which has been kept for some time in the cellar.

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magang CEBUANO

magang, mágang v [BN] for corn to flower. Inigmagang sa mais, mugítib na ang lugas, When the corn flowers, the …

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To blast; to destroy the life or vigor of, as by a stroke or by some visitation.

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yawán-on - Devilish, satanic, demonic, demoniac, demoniacal, fiendish, hellish.

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ulianun CEBUANO

ulianun = kulianun. see kulì.

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To depress as to direction; as, to lower the aim of a gun; to make less elevated as to object; …

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annelidous ENGLISH

Of the nature of an annelid.

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The substance of which anything is made; material; hence, constitutional disposition; character; temper.

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takín - (B) To scrape together, collect, gather, heap, mass, bring together; to separate, scrape or scoop away from a …

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