"Lavic" is a word in ENGLISH


See Lavatic.

Few words of positivity

How Many Lumberjacks Does it Take to Ravish, Maim and Kill Five Feisty Female Co-eds?Read 'Lumberjacked' by Rich Bottles Jr. to find out!Lumberjacked: A Supernatural Tale of Murder and Mayhem in the Mountain State.

Rich Bottles Jr., Lumberjacked

Laugh your heart out.

How can you tell which end of a worm is which ?Tickle it in the middle and see which end laughs !

fugitively ENGLISH

In a fugitive manner.

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decumbent ENGLISH

Reclining on the ground, as if too weak to stand, and tending to rise at the summit or apex; as, …

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dotardly ENGLISH
doughiness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being doughy.

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frostwork ENGLISH

The figurework, often fantastic and delicate, which moisture sometimes forms in freezing, as upon a window pane or a flagstone.

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sobrekama HILIGAYNON

sóbrekáma - (Sp. sobrecama) Bedspread, bed-cover, quilt, coverlet. (cf. tabón).

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plerome ENGLISH

The central column of parenchyma in a growing stem or root.

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sketch ENGLISH

To plan or describe by giving the principal points or ideas of.

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affrap ENGLISH

To strike, or strike down.

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pangduha-duha HILIGAYNON

pangduhá-dúha - Freq. of duhá-dúha— to doubt, etc.

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pililión - That is to be chosen or elected, eligible, worthy to be chosen, desirable. (cf. pililián).

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annealer ENGLISH

One who, or that which, anneals.

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quaverer ENGLISH

One who quavers; a warbler.

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highland ENGLISH

Elevated or mountainous land; (often in the pl.) an elevated region or country; as, the Highlands of Scotland.

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kind-hearted ENGLISH

Having kindness of nature; sympathetic; characterized by a humane disposition; as, a kind-hearted landlord.

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causticness ENGLISH

The quality of being caustic; causticity.

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unhealth ENGLISH

Unsoundness; disease.

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sebiparous ENGLISH

Same as Sebiferous.

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worship ENGLISH

An object of worship.

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