"Laundrymen" is a word in ENGLISH

laundrymen ENGLISH

of Laundryman

Few words of positivity

And we'll call you...hmmm. Pudge.""Huh?""Pudge," the Colonel said. "Because you're skinny. It's called irony, Pudge. Heard of it? Now, let's go get some cigarettes and start this year off right.

John Green, Looking for Alaska

Laugh your heart out.

Harry was telling his friend about his holiday in Switzerland. His friend had never been to Switzerland and asked, 'what did you think of the scenery ?''Oh, I couldn't see much,' Harry admitted. 'There were all these mountains in the way.'


-íru {1} a? x added to words referring to an action not approved of to form adjectives meaning one who …

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laba v {1} [A; b1] wash clothing. Gilabhan níya ang ákung púlu, She washed my shirt. Ang batu nga ílang …

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labandera TAGALOG

labandera Definition: (noun) laundrywoman 2 Definition: (var) labandero (laundryman) Notes:

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laundryman ENGLISH

A man who follows the business of laundering.

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