"Lardery" is a word in ENGLISH

lardery ENGLISH

A larder.

Few words of positivity

Rule number six: no promises.""Okay", I agree easily. "No promises, ever.""Promise?" he asks."Promise.""And that's it.""That's the only one.

Mary Elizabeth

Laugh your heart out.

A brunette, a redhead, and a blonde were robbing a supermarket when a police officer walked in the store.The three women decide to hide in three potato sacks.The cop kicks the first bag, and the brunette says, "meow", the cop says, "oh, its only a cat"He kicks the second bag, and the redhead says, "woof, woof". The cop says, "its only a dog".He kicks the third bag, and the blonde says, "potato"


dispénsa - (Sp. dispensa) Pantry, larder, store-room. (cf. palanagoán, palatipigán).

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larder ENGLISH

A room or place where meat and other articles of food are kept before they are cooked.

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larderer ENGLISH

One in charge of the larder.

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Larding Money LAW AND LEGAL

ln the manor of Bradford, in wilts, the tenants pay to their lord a small yearly rent by this name, …

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pínsa - (Sp. dispensa) Pantry, larder, provision-store; rice-granary placed under the floor of a house. (cf. palúsad).

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pínsan - To gather, collect into one, do all together, in one go. Pinsanón ko lang ang pagbáyad sang tanán …

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spence ENGLISH

A place where provisions are kept; a buttery; a larder; a pantry.

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