"Laput" is a word in CEBUANO


laput n term for various kinds of fry or tiny fishes caught by the sanggab.


láput = lap-ut.

Few words of positivity

Youths are the life blood of any nation.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Laugh your heart out.

An Irishman went into a post office to see if there were any letters for him. "I'll see, sir," said the clerk. "What is your name?" "You're having me on now because I'm Irish," said the Irishman. "Won't you see the name on the envelope?"


alipalók - (H) To emit or send off sparks, to spark, sparkle. Ang kaláyo nagaalipalók. The fire is giving off …

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To fit; to adapt; to make proper or suitable; as, to suit the action to the word.

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humerus ENGLISH

The part of the limb containing the humerus; the brachium.

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practice ENGLISH

To apply theoretical science or knowledge, esp. by way of experiment; to exercise or pursue an employment or profession, esp. …

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buckra ENGLISH

A white man; -- a term used by negroes of the African coast, West Indies, etc.

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A large net, one edge of which is provided with sinkers, and the other with floats. It hangs vertically in …

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The hollow, metallic ball of a self-acting faucet, which floats upon the water in a cistern or boiler.

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water gruel ENGLISH

A liquid food composed of water and a small portion of meal, or other farinaceous substance, boiled and seasoned.

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kuskos TAGALOG

kuskos Active Verb: magkuskos Passive Verb: kuskusin Definition: 1) to scrub -- MAGKUSKOS, KUSKUSIN (verb) 2) to scrub with -- …

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curvilinear ENGLISH

Consisting of, or bounded by, curved lines; as, a curvilinear figure.

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lumachella ENGLISH

A grayish brown limestone, containing fossil shells, which reflect a beautiful play of colors. It is also called fire marble, …

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pinion ENGLISH

To disable or restrain, as a person, by binding the arms, esp. by binding the arms to the body.

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galít - (H) To habituate, etc. (cf. gálit).

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logical ENGLISH

Skilled in logic; versed in the art of thinking and reasoning; as, he is a logical thinker.

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decompound ENGLISH

To compound or mix with that is already compound; to compound a second time.

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hierarchic ENGLISH

Pertaining to a hierarch.

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