"Langut" is a word in CEBUANO

langut CEBUANO

lángut v [A2; b] stick to work until it is done.
Tiwas dáyun nà ug langútan nákù ug tulu ka úras, Itll get done quickly if I stick to it for three hours.

Few words of positivity

Let's put it like this; men like Berkley, like me, we don't get a no for an answer, a girl who says no is like a... like a unicorn, and we all want to **** the unicorn!

C.S. James, Blue Ice

Laugh your heart out.

A pair of biologists are studying terns on a rock island just off the coast. While walking on a distant part of the island, they are shot at by a group of thugs operating a pot farm. This happens several times and the local law enforcement refuses to investigate.On their last day on the island they happen into a huge pile of harvested grass that has been set out to dry. Quickly they decide to set it on fire to pay the thugs back for shooting at them. The fire takes off and sends plumes of smoke into the sky. As they are running for their boat, they notice that the soaring birds are acting weird, spiraling out of control and crashing into the trees.The next day they read the headlines in the local paper:Pot Farm Burns - No Tern Left Unstoned.


bára n {1} steel bar, rod. dikabra crowbar. {2} frame of a bicycle. {3} measurement, the span from the shoulder …

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haswà v [A2PB12; c1] remove s.t. that sticks, get removed. Maáyu kaáyung muhaswà (mupahaswà) sa buling ang Tayid, Tide removes …

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kuurdinasiyun CEBUANO

kuurdinasiyun n coordination. kúut v [A; a] {1} thrust ones hand into a small place to fish s.t. out or …

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labaw v {1} [B3; c] jut out higher than s.t. , stick out farther from the margin or limit. Milabaw …

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pintuk CEBUANO

pintuk a terse, to the point. Památig maáyu kay pintuk ning ákung túgun, Pay close attention because Im going to …

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sukud v {1} [A; a2] take measurements. Nagsukud kug pila ka dupa ring písì, I am measuring how long this …

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tagiptip CEBUANO

tagiptip n dirt, grime that is stuck hard on s.t. v [b4] have dirt sticking hard on s.t. Gitagiptipan ang …

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tugsuk CEBUANO

tugsuk v {1} [A; ab2] strike s.t. pointed into s.t. Nagtugsuk siyag káhuy silbing timáan, He planted a stake as …

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tungkahal CEBUANO

tungkáhal v [B46N; c] for projections to stick out. Mitungkáhal (nanungkáhal) ang mga sílik sa isdà, The fins of fish …

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úmid v {1} [A; c1] wallow, roll in s.t. that sticks. Iúmid (umíra) ang ságing sa asúkar, Roll the bananas …

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úngut v {1} [APB2S] get stuck and not be able to move forward, cause s.t. to do so. Miúngut (naúngut) …

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unsa interrogative {1} what? Unsay ímung gibúhat? What are you doing? Unsa man nà? What is that? Unsay úras? What …

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