"Lampooned" is a word in ENGLISH

lampooned ENGLISH

of Lampoon

Few words of positivity

Regretfully, he remained an alluring mystery, with fascinating lines and details she could not help but seek to examine further and memorize.

Lily Blackwood, The Beast of Clan Kincaid

Laugh your heart out.

Which weather features do druggies like most?Highs

iambic ENGLISH

A satirical poem (such poems having been anciently written in iambic verse); a satire; a lampoon.

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iambize ENGLISH

To satirize in iambics; to lampoon.

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lampoon ENGLISH

A personal satire in writing; usually, malicious and abusive censure written only to reproach and distress.

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lampoon ENGLISH

To subject to abusive ridicule expressed in writing; to make the subject of a lampoon.

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lampooner ENGLISH

The writer of a lampoon.

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lampoonry ENGLISH

The act of lampooning; a lampoon, or lampoons.

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To defame, or expose to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule, by a writing, picture, sign, etc.; to lampoon.

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Any defamatory writing; a lampoon; a satire.

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paskín - (Sp. pasquin) Pasquinade, satire, lampoon; clown; to lampoon, satirize, ridicule, slander, put to shame by a lampoon in …

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pasquilant ENGLISH

A lampooner; a pasquiler.

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pasquin ENGLISH

A lampooner; also, a lampoon. See Pasquinade.

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pasquin ENGLISH

To lampoon; to satiraze.

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pasquinade ENGLISH

A lampoon or satirical writing.

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pasquinade ENGLISH

To lampoon, to satirize.

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A writer of lampoons.

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A sarcastic speech or publication; a petty lampoon; a brief, witty essay.

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