"Laminae" is a word in ENGLISH

laminae ENGLISH

of Lamina

Few words of positivity

When my enemies stop hissing, I shall know I'm slipping.

Maria Callas

Laugh your heart out.

Policeman: Why did you lead me on a high-speed chase?Motorist: Because you'd catch me on a slow one.

bilaminate ENGLISH

Formed of, or having, two laminae, or thin plates.

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cerosin ENGLISH

A waxy substance obtained from the bark of the sugar cane, and crystallizing in delicate white laminae.

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claustrum ENGLISH

A thin lamina of gray matter in each cerebral hemisphere of the brain of man.

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cleavage ENGLISH

Division into laminae, like slate, with the lamination not necessarily parallel to the plane of deposition; -- usually produced by …

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delamination ENGLISH

Formation and separation of laminae or layers; one of the methods by which the various blastodermic layers of the ovum …

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desquamatory ENGLISH

An instrument formerly used in removing the laminae of exfoliated bones.

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dilated ENGLISH

Widening into a lamina or into lateral winglike appendages.

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exfoliate ENGLISH

To remove scales, laminae, or splinters from the surface of.

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exfoliate ENGLISH

To separate and come off in scales or laminae, as pieces of carious bone or of bark.

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A loose filmy mass or a thin chiplike layer of anything; a film; flock; lamina; layer; scale; as, a flake …

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foliaceous ENGLISH

Consisting of leaves or thin laminae; having the form of a leaf or plate; as, foliaceous spar.

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foliation ENGLISH

The act of beating a metal into a thin plate, leaf, foil, or lamina.

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gíngì - Blade, lamina, leaf (of plants, especially of herbs and grasses).

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interlaminar ENGLISH

Between lammellae or laminae; as, interlamellar spaces.

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Placed between, or containing, laminae or plates.

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lamina ENGLISH

A thin plate or scale; a layer or coat lying over another; -- said of thin plates or platelike substances, …

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lamina ENGLISH

The blade of a leaf; the broad, expanded portion of a petal or sepal of a flower.

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lamina ENGLISH

A thin plate or scale; specif., one of the thin, flat processes composing the vane of a feather.

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lamina CEBUANO

lamina n framed picture, esp. of a saint. v [A; a12] make framed pictures, esp. of saints.

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lamína - (Sp. lámina) Picture, illustration, print. (cf. laráwan, estámpa).

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