"Lakwig" is a word in CEBUANO

lakwig CEBUANO

lakwig a tall and lanky.
v [B] be, become tall and lanky.
Naglak-wig lang ang bayungbáyung, The adolescent is tall and lanky.

Few words of positivity

She walked with darkness dripping off her shoulders, I've seen ghosts brighter than her soul.

VaZaki Nada

Laugh your heart out.

"Where's the car?" asked Professor Delbert's wife when he got home. "Did I take it out?" "Yes, you drove it to school this morning." "I suppose you're right, my dear. I remember now that after I got out, I turned to thank the man who gave me a lift and wondered where he'd gone."

balaghuy CEBUANO

balaghuy a lanky, ungracefully tall and thin. v [B] be lanky. Nagbalaghuy ang láwas sa tin-idyir, Teen-agers have lanky bod-ies.

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karang CEBUANO

kárang n {1} stilts or similar contrivance to walk on, used for walking through water or for amusement. {2} = …

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lagsaw CEBUANO

lagsaw a {1} tall and lanky. {2} having bones sticking out prominently. v [B; b6] {1} become tall and lanky. …

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mantinil CEBUANO

mantinil, mantinir v [A3; c] make do with, content oneself with s.t. less than the best. Magmantinil lang tag amútig …

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pyangguy CEBUANO

pyangguy a tall and thin, lanky. Musalir tingáli kas baskit kay pyangguy kaáyu ka, You might do for basketball because …

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tagáwtaw - Very tall, high, large, lanky (colloquial); to grow very tall, etc. Nagtagáwtaw siá sa sulúd siníng ápat ka …

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waklay CEBUANO

waklay a tall and thin. Mikalit siyag túbù maung waklay, He grew fast. Thats why he is lanky. v [B12; …

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yangkaw CEBUANO

yangkaw a tall and lanky or too thin for the height. Balay nga yangkaw ug sílung, House that has a …

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