"Lahong" is a word in HILIGAYNON


lahóng - An opening, outlet, vent, passage
through, exit or egress (on the other side);
to have an opening through or an outlet on
the other side. Ang búhò nga iní may
lahóng sa pihák sang baláy. This hole has
an outlet behind the house. Iníng gíab sa
padér nagalahóng sa dálan. This hole in
the wall passes through to the road. Ang
ibán nga mga búhò índì lahóng, índì
maglahóng or walâ sing lahóng. Some
holes have no outlet on the other side. (cf.
lápus, lapús).

lahób – lakarán
láhus, Quick, expeditious, speedy, by a
short-cut; to do something quickly,
expeditiously, in less than ordinary time,
speedily, with speed. Láhus nga trabáho.
Expeditious work. Lahúsa gid ang paglútò
sang manók. Cook the chicken quickly.
Nagaláhus lang siá sang íya mga
buluhatón, sang íya pagsulát, pagtahî, etc.
He performs his duties, his writing, his
sewing, etc. expeditiously. Lahúson mo
lang ang ákon panápton, kay may
kadtoán akó sa buás. Get my dress ready at
once, for I have to go out to-morrow. (cf.
dalî, dalî-dálì, dagúndon).


lahóng - See lahón—to continue, etc.

Few words of positivity

You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace. Power to the peaceful.

Michael Franti

Laugh your heart out.

What did the hungry Dalmatian say when he had a meal ?That hit the spots !

kumbinsi CEBUANO

kumbinsi, kumbinsr v [A3P; a1] convince, persuade. Musugut lagi siya basta ayúhun lag kumbinsr, He will consent to it if …

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pinaster ENGLISH

A species of pine (Pinus Pinaster) growing in Southern Europe.

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provision ENGLISH

To supply with food; to victual; as, to provision a garrison.

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wherever ENGLISH

At or in whatever place; wheresoever.

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goldfinny ENGLISH

One of two or more species of European labroid fishes (Crenilabrus melops, and Ctenolabrus rupestris); -- called also goldsinny, and …

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orichalceous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, orichalch; having a color or luster like that of brass.

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To render useless or void; to annul; to reject; to send away.

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monembryony ENGLISH

The condition of an ovule having but a single embryo.

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Pertaining to classification; admitting of classification.

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lymphatic ENGLISH

Madly enthusiastic; frantic.

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methylate ENGLISH

An alcoholate of methyl alcohol in which the hydroxyl hydrogen is replaced by a metal, after the analogy of a …

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manga always written mga. {1} particle optionally placed pre-ceding a noun or adjective to indicate plurals, but referring only to …

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sclerotium ENGLISH

The mature or resting stage of a plasmodium.

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subáng - To rise, appear (of sun and moon, etc.). Nagsubáng na ang ádlaw. The sun has risen. (cf. bútlak, …

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occultness ENGLISH

State or quality of being occult.

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palánug - See palánog.

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To reduce to the condition of a territory.

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vinous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to wine; having the qualities of wine; as, a vinous taste.

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