"Lagisi" is a word in ILOKANO

lagisi ILOKANO

v. /MAI-/ to slip, slide down; slip off. Nailagisi diay ubing. The child slipped.

Few words of positivity

If you lose the power to love, you lose the ability to live.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

What do stupid kids do at Halloween? They carve a face on an apple and go bobbing for pumpkins.

alpilir CEBUANO

alpilir n safety pin. v [A; b6] put a safety pin in s.t. Ímu lang alpiliran ang karsúnis kay wà …

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balhug CEBUANO

balhug v {1} [A; c] insert s.t. long in a place under s.t. or be-tween s.t. Akuy mibalhug niánang linipak …

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balhun CEBUANO

balhun n {1} rope tied from one end of the yoke to the other end, passing below the neck, so …

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balù n a knot that easily comes undone by pulling at one end of the string. v [A] tie into …

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bandira CEBUANO

bandíra n {1} flag, banner. {2} s.t. flapping like a flag, visible for all to see. Bitára ang ímung kamisun …

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barung CEBUANO

barung n fancy, embroidered shirt with long sleeves used for formal wear. It slips over the head and is worn …

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bawhag CEBUANO

bawhag a {1} doing things unthinkingly. Bawhága níyang mil-abang sa dálan way lingìlíngì, How careless of her to cross the …

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bulandus CEBUANO

bulandus v [APB12; c] push s.t. into going forward, slip and fall down with feet forward. Nabulandus siya kay nakatunub …

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búya n agreement between parents to betroth their young or unborn children. v [A; ac] betroth unborn or young children. …

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dahili CEBUANO

dahílì v [B2S3; c] {1} for solids in small pieces (grains, small rocks, etc. ) to slip, slide down touching …

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dahilug CEBUANO

dahílug v [B5; b6] slip o? downwards, slide down. Midahílug lang ang kasíli gíkan sa ákung kamut, The eel just …

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dakdak CEBUANO

dakdak v {1} [B12; b8] fall down with a bang. Pisti ning pálut sa ságing, mau niy nakadakdak (nakapadakdak) nákù, …

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dakinas CEBUANO

dakinas, dakin-as v [B2] slip and fall. Paghínay, madanlug. Madakin-as ka unyà, Be careful. Its very slippery. You might fall.

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dalipanus CEBUANO

dalipanus, dalipánus v [B2; c] slip by sliding. Midalipánus lang ang ubud sa ákung kamut, The eel just slipped from …

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dalipsu CEBUANO

dalipsù v [B26; c1P] slide. Midalipsù ang bátang ákung gikúgus, The child I was carrying slipped out of my arms. …

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dalispang CEBUANO

dalispang v [B26; b6] {1} slip, lose ones footing. Midalispang siya sa pálut sa ságing, He slipped on the banana …

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dal-us CEBUANO

dal-us v [APB; c1P] {1} drag or slide slowly in a downward di-rection. Ang íyang nigusyu nagkadal-us sa kapútu, His …

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dapigas CEBUANO

dapigas v [B26; b8] loose ones footing, slip o? its footing. Mi-dapigas (nadapigas) ang íyang tiil sa ang-ang, His foot …

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dapiyas CEBUANO

dapíyas v [B126; b6] slip suddenly over or downwards. Nadapíyas ákung tiil sa kanal, My foot slipped into the ditch.

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daplus CEBUANO

daplus v [A2PB23; aPc1] slip, move slowly down, make s.t. slip down. Mudaplus ang písì kay walà maáyung pagkahukut sa …

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