"Lagala" is a word in CEBUANO

lagala CEBUANO

lagàlà a given to loud boasting.
n action of boasting.
Maáyu sa abugádu nang lagàlà, kay dílì palúpig, Having a big mouth is good for lawyers, because no one can outdo them.
v [B12] be vocally boastful.
Nagkalagàlà si Ídi nga nagkadakù ang íyang katungdánan, Eddie is getting more and more loud-mouthed with his boasting now that he has been promoted.
-un() a boast-ful sort.

Few words of positivity

A book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. Treat them with respect.

Mark Lawrence, Red Sister

Laugh your heart out.

Janet came home from school and asked her mother if the aerosol spray in the kitchen was hair lacquer. "No," said Mom. "It's glue." "I thought so," said Janet. "I wondered why I couldn't get my hat off today."

prescript ENGLISH

Directed; prescribed.

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polity ENGLISH

Policy; art; management.

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To conquer; to defeat, as in a contest or game; to beat; to surpass.

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dodger ENGLISH

One who dodges or evades; one who plays fast and loose, or uses tricky devices.

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dactylist ENGLISH

A writer of dactylic verse.

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metage ENGLISH

Measurement, especially of coal.

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A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious hypocrite.

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heteropod ENGLISH

One of the Heteropoda.

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colliery ENGLISH

The place where coal is dug; a coal mine, and the buildings, etc., belonging to it.

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A solid of the form described by the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of the sides adjacent to …

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ambulatorial ENGLISH

Ambulatory; fitted for walking.

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kristu CEBUANO

kristu n in cockfights, a gambler with no capital but who makes money by placing bets for other people who …

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Same as Withe, n., 4.

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caraway ENGLISH

A biennial plant of the Parsley family (Carum Carui). The seeds have an aromatic smell, and a warm, pungent taste. …

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Rising above the level; protuberant.

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finfish ENGLISH

A finback whale.

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The catkin or strobilaceous fruit of the hop, much used in brewing to give a bitter taste.

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