"Lactose" is a word in ENGLISH

lactose ENGLISH

See Galactose.

lactose ENGLISH

Sugar of milk or milk sugar; a crystalline sugar present
in milk, and separable from the whey by evaporation and
crystallization. It has a slightly sweet taste, is dextrorotary, and is
much less soluble in water than either cane sugar or glucose. Formerly
called lactin.

Few words of positivity

There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.

Karl Marx, Capital, Vol 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the women cross the road? Well thats not the point what is she doing out of the kitchen?!!!

abstract ENGLISH

A powdered solid extract of a vegetable substance mixed with sugar of milk in such proportion that one part of …

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abukadu CEBUANO

abukádu n avocado or alligator pear: Persea sp. It is usually eaten with sugar and milk.

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áhug v [AC; ac] mix s.t. moist or wet with s.t. dry. Nag-áhug ang gátas ug harína, The flour and …

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balikutsa CEBUANO

balikutsa n candy made of the hardened syrup obtained from coconut milk and sugar. v [A; a2] make balikutsa.

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bibingka CEBUANO

bibingka n {1} rice cake made from finely ground rice mixed with coconut milk, sugar, and sometimes with other ingredients …

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n. native cake made of sticky rice, coconut milk and brown sugar cooked in a big, round and shallow pan. …

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A slightly sweetened raised cake or bisquit with a glazing of sugar and milk on the top crust.

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A powder of ipecac and opium, compounded, in the United States, with sugar of milk, but in England (as formerly …

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dulcite ENGLISH

A white, sugarlike substance, C6H8.(OH)2, occurring naturally in a manna from Madagascar, and in certain plants, and produced artificially by …

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eggnog ENGLISH

A drink consisting of eggs beaten up with sugar, milk, and (usually) wine or spirits.

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frumenty ENGLISH

Food made of hulled wheat boiled in milk, with sugar, plums, etc.

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galactose ENGLISH

A white, crystalline sugar, C6H12O6, isomeric with dextrose, obtained by the decomposition of milk sugar, and also from certain gums. …

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ginettaan ILOKANO

n. a native cake usually eaten for mid-afternoon snacks. It is made of sliced GABI, bananas, sweet potatoes with coconut …

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hálù v [A13; a12] mix things together in a liquid. Halúa ang tahup ug kinagud lubi, Mix corn husks and …

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To cover with icing, or frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg; to frost, as cakes, tarts, …

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A coating or covering resembling ice, as of sugar and milk or white of egg; frosting.

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kalamay CEBUANO

kalámay n {1} sugar. {2} brown sugar (as opposed to asúkar). v {1} [A1; a2] make sugar. {2} [B5] become …

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kalukalu CEBUANO

kalukalu (not without l) n sweet made of very fine corn grits (tiktik) boiled with coconut milk and sugar. v …

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lactonic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the oxidation of milk sugar (lactose).

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lamaw n {1} slop fed to animals. Lúpig pay lamaw ning sud-ána, This food is worse than pigs slop. {2} …

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