"Lacquer" is a word in ENGLISH

lacquer ENGLISH

A varnish, consisting of a solution of shell-lac in
alcohol, often colored with gamboge, saffron, or the like; -- used for
varnishing metals, papier-mache, and wood. The name is also given to
varnishes made of other ingredients, esp. the tough, solid varnish of
the Japanese, with which ornamental objects are made.

lacquer ENGLISH

To cover with lacquer.

Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!

apology ENGLISH

Anything provided as a substitute; a makeshift.

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waterproofing ENGLISH

The act or process of making waterproof.

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hinawahawa HILIGAYNON

hinawâhawâ - Small or trifling matters, little things, easy work. Walâ gid siá sing mga mahágò nga pangabúdlay, kóndì mga …

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cronstedtite ENGLISH

A mineral consisting principally of silicate of iron, and crystallizing in hexagonal prisms with perfect basal cleavage; -- so named …

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The superior courts, both of law and equity, were for centuries fixed at Westmiuster, an ancient palace of the monarchs …

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A chirp, peep, or squeak, as of a young bird or mouse.

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Gleam; glimmer; sparkle.

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lakag v [AC; ac3] chase. Naglákag ang duha ka trák, The two buses are chasing each other. Lakaga (lakga) ang …

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hermetical ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or taught by, Hermes Trismegistus; as, hermetic philosophy. Hence: Alchemical; chemic.

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dehorn ENGLISH

To deprive of horns; to prevent the growth of the horns of (cattle) by burning their ends soon after they …

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Monasterium LAW AND LEGAL

A monastery; a church. Spelman

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tíngkas - Disjunction, disjointedness; to separate, disjoin, disjoint, dislocate, fret, fray, break asunder. (cf. bíngkas).

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coniferous ENGLISH

Bearing cones, as the pine and cypress.

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That part of the stock of a gun carriage which rests on the ground when the piece is unlimbered. See …

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ayamoom ILOKANO

n. fragrance, pleasant odor, aroma.

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tipdas WARAY

Tipdas - measles

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answerable ENGLISH

Capable of being answered or refuted; admitting a satisfactory answer.

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inter. why?, what is the reason? Apay nga agsangsangit ka? Why are you crying? --var. (dial.) SAPAY.

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Countervail LAW AND LEGAL

To counterbalance; to avail against wlth equal force or virtue; to compensate for, or serve as an equivalent of or …

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