"Kutiks" is a word in CEBUANO

kutiks CEBUANO

kútiks n {1} sanitary napkin, so called from the brand name Kotex.
{2} nail polish so called from the brand name Cutex.
v {1} [A1] wear a sanitary napkin.
{2} [A] polish fingernails, wear a certain k.
fingernail polish.
paN- v [A2] polish ones nails.
Mangútiks ku kay mamista, Im going to polish my nails because Im going to the fiesta.

Few words of positivity

She said, 'No, you learned that you have power - power and determination. I love you and I am proud of you. With those two things, you can go anywhere and everywhere.

Maya Angelou, Mom & Me & Mom

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Pentium PC with a research grant? A: A mad scientist.

asitun CEBUANO

asitun n acetone. v [b(1)] put or apply acetone. Asitunan lag diyútay ug mahuswà ang kútiks, Just apply a little …

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n. 1. husked or polished rice. Awan ti bagas mi. We have no (polished) rice. --syn. MAKAN. 2. substance or …

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bastun CEBUANO

bastun n {1} walking stick, usually polished and sometimes with carved designs. {2} package, bar, long like a cane. Usa …

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haluk n kiss, sni? , putting the nose next to the person kissed. v {1} [AC; b] kiss. Nagháluk sila …

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hashas CEBUANO

hashas v {1} [A; b5c] pound rice a second time to husk the grains that had been missed the first …

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hínis v {1} [A; b] remove dirt that clings to s.t. , polish by scour-ing or chemical action. Ímu bang …

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hugita CEBUANO

hugità v [B6; a12] for corn grits that are supposed to be cooked dry to come out wet and unevenly …

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kuthan CEBUANO

kuthan see kutu. kuti a {1} intricate, requiring close attention and exactness. Kuti kaáyu ang pagburda sa kamut, Hand embroidery …

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limpiya CEBUANO

limpiya v [A; b6] polish shoes. Nagkabítun ang ákung kamut kay naglimpiya ku sa ákung sapátus, My hands have shoe …

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píkas v {1} [A3P; a] split, cut s.t. into halves lengthwise. Siyay mipíkas sa kawáyan, He split the bamboos. Pikása …

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prisintr CEBUANO

prisintr v [A; c] {1} present oneself for a job or to help do s.t. Dúnay miprisintr pagkasuluguun, A girl …

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rágid a {1} rugged, strong and robust. Ang gustu níyang mabána kanang laláking rágid, She wants a rugged man for …

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sagapsap CEBUANO

sagapsap a {1} fibrous and dry to chew. Sagapsap kan-un ang lútung way sabaw, Rice with no soup is very …

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sáhù v {1} [A; ac] mix things well into each other. Sahúa ang harína ug ang asúkar, Mix the flour …

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supsup CEBUANO

supsup v {1} [A; a] suck, take s.t. in by sucking. Ang búwak sa antuwángang dinukduk kusug musupsup ug nánà …

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trís number three. v {1} [B256; c1] get to be three, make s.t. three. Mutrís na siya karung Marsu, Hell …

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