"Kurdisu" is a word in CEBUANO

kurdisu CEBUANO

kurdísu n {1} window sill.
Mitikang ang kawatan sa kurdísu sa bintánà pagsulud sa balay, The thief stepped over the window sill in going into the house.
{2} horizontal piece in the frame of a building to which vertical boards are nailed, placed at the height of the window sill.
Íyang giláray ang mga butilya nga basíyu sa kurdísu sa bungbung, She lined the empty bottles on the sills along the wall.
v [A13; a] put up, make into a window sill or a window-height sill.

Few words of positivity

Praise to our Indian brothers, and the dark face have his due!Thanks to the kindly dark faces who fought with us, faithful and few,Fought with the bravest among us, and drove them, and smote them, and slew.That ever upon the topment roof our banner in India blew.

Alfred Tennyson, Tennyson: Poems

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Where does an Irish person go on a vacation? A: A new bar

daplay CEBUANO

daplay v [A1PB3; c1] hang down loosely over an edge, make s.t. hang without being fixed. Sudláya nang buhuk mung …

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gabay v [A; b6] hold on to s.t. to keep from sinking. Ímung gabyan kining salbabída, Hold on to this …

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hukbalahap CEBUANO

hukbaláhap n the name of the Communist organization in the Philippines and its members. v [B1256] be, become a huk-baláhap. …

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lamba v {1} [A; b5c] slam s.t. long and hard against s.t. Kinsang pliyíra tung milamba sa bátir sa yútà? …

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púlak v [AB; c1] {1} fall down from a height, cause s.t. to do so. Magpúlak kug mga tambis, Ill …

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ribiti CEBUANO

ribíti n edgings, trim. Ribíting pula iláwum sa kurdísu, A red trim underneath the window sill. v [A; b] {1} …

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sab-ay CEBUANO

sab-ay v [AN; c] let s.t. dangle over the edge of s.t. or over ones shoulder. Kinsay nagsab-ay sa tualya …

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sad-ay CEBUANO

sad-ay v [A; c] rest s.t. over s.t. else. Nagsad-ay siya sa íyang síku sa kurdísu, He rested his elbows …

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salawasid CEBUANO

salawásid = saluwásid. salay v {1} [A; c6] lay s.t. over s.t. else so that part of it hangs over. …

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sangsang CEBUANO

sangsang v [A; b6(1)] stu? a hole, cavity, or opening. Siyay nagsangsang ug papil nga kinúmut sa lìliánan, She stu? …

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takmù v [a3b8] hit ones chin on s.t. Natakmù ku sa kurdísu pagkatumba nákù, I hit my chin on the …

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