"Kupas" is a word in TAGALOG, CEBUANO


Definition: (adj) faded, out of date, out of use -- KUMUPAS


kúpas = kúpa, 2.


kupas v [B23(1); b6] for s.t.
to lose its aroma from having been left uncovered.
Mukupas ang tabákù ug dì pustun, Dried to-bacco leaves will lose their flavor if you dont keep them wrapped.
a having lost its aroma.

Few words of positivity

Dreams are only dreams until you wake up and make them real.

Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story

Laugh your heart out.

A defense attorney was cross-examining a police officer during a felony trial -- it went like this:Q: Officer, did you see my client fleeing the scene?A: No sir, but I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender running several blocks away.Q: Officer, who provided this description?A: The officer who responded to the scene.Q: A fellow officer provided the description of this so-called offender. Do you trust your fellow officers?A: Yes sir, with my life.Q: With your life? Let me ask you this then officer, do you have a locker room in the police station, a room where you change your clothes in preparation for your daily duties?A: Yes sir, we do.Q: And do you have a locker in that room?A: Yes sir, I do.Q: And do you have a lock on your locker?A: Yes sir.Q: Now why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow of ficers with your life, that you find it necessary to lock your locker in a room you share with those officers?A: You see sir, we share the building with a court complex, and sometimes defense attorneys have been known to walk through that room.

liyempo TAGALOG

liyempo Definition: (noun) barbecued pork with much fat and little meat

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bellicose ENGLISH

Inclined to war or contention; warlike; pugnacious.

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palmitate ENGLISH

A salt of palmitic acid.

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taliwala CEBUANO

taliwálà n {1} middle, center part. Ig-a ang taliw sa targit, Hit the center of the target. Taliwálà sa kakuyaw …

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Festing-Penny LAW AND LEGAL

Earnest given to servants when hired or retained. The same as arles-penny. Cowell

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Offerings formerly made to the parish priest, or to the mother church, at Pentecost.

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dunter ENGLISH
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Alt. of Stelleridean

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newborn ENGLISH
deponent ENGLISH

One who deposes or testifies under oath; one who gives evidence; usually, one who testifies in writing.

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perfect ENGLISH

Well informed; certain; sure.

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One of the timbers, or bars of iron or steel, that branch outward and upward from the keel, to support …

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A flatulent disease of sheep.

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By statute In some states, the mouth of a river or creek, which empties in-to another river or creek, is …

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tabiós - A kind of very small fish much esteemed for food.

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A genus of poisonous plants of the Nightshade family; henbane.

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Same as Dilettanteism.

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The office of purser.

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